
Healthy Vancouver: a healthy city for all

The health and well-being of people, communities, and environments are linked together.

What makes a city healthy?

Health is much more than the treatment of physical health conditions, and cities have play a key part of determining citizens’ health. A healthy Vancouver will ensure healthy people, healthy communities, and healthy environments. Income, working conditions, social connections, healthy transportation, well-planned communities, and safety all contibute to the overall health of our city.

Whether you want to get active, take emergency training, or learn about our Healthy City Strategy, you can be a part of a healthy Vancouver.

Healthy City Strategy

The Healthy City Strategy a long-term, integrated plan for healthier people, places, and planet.

Health clinics, training, and groups

Learn about City community health clinics, professional first aid training certification, and health and wellness programs.

Mental health and addiction

Learn how the City is reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drug use - and ensuring that people get treatment - without sacrificing public safety. Get links to mental health and addiction resources.

Research and data toward a healthy city for all

We use different data sources to understand how change happens in the city, and how it is experienced by different individuals and groups.

Public health regulations and fines

Health regulations and pay finese for fighting, jaywalking, riding on a sidewalk or without a helmet, smoking, spitting, or urinating in public.

Health and safety for sex workers

Vancouver is the first city in North America with an action plan to improve the health and safety of sex workers and the communities where they live and work.