The health and vitality of Vancouver's communities is one of the reasons the city is considered one of the best places on earth to live.
To ensure the continued sustainability and livability of our neighbourhoods, City staff work with community groups and other agencies to address critical social issues that affect us all, and to make sure that the needs of all residents are met.
Planning Vancouver Together to 2050 and beyond
We’ve launched the process to develop the Vancouver (City-wide) Plan that will guide our city to 2050 and beyond.
Staff routinely advise Council on polices and strategies that offer much-needed support and services to all community members, including:
- Comprehensive childcare and child development strategies
- Inclusive, equitable programs and capacity building for Indigenous Peoples
- Care and assistance for disadvantaged seniors
- Programs that involve youth as active partners in the services that affect them
- Initiatives that meet the needs of Vancouver's multicultural and diverse communities
- Programs to ensure that all residents live free of prejudice
How we are building a city of healthy communities
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
We are working hard to ensure our activities support fairness, equality, and access for all.
Community Economic Development Strategy
We are co-creating a Community Economic Development Strategy with Downtown Eastside communities to help meet the goals of the DTES Plan.
Neighbourhood planning projects
Community plans are important road maps that provide clear but flexible frameworks to guide positive change and development in neighbourhoods
Childcare in Vancouver
Childcare enables parents to work, receive education and training, and to participate in and contribute to their communities.
Official celebrations and observances
We recognize and value the contributions of the diverse communities that make Vancouver one of the most livable cities in the world.
Spaces to Thrive: Vancouver Social Infrastructure Strategy
Spaces to Thrive is Vancouver’s first strategic 10-year policy and partnership framework for City-owned and City-supported social infrastructure.
Funding for community sustainability projects
The Greenest City Fund supports ideas generated and implemented by the community, with available grants totaling up to $500,000 per year.
Learn more and applyCity funding for non-profit service providers
City Council provides funding to help community-based social groups offer programs, services, and support to Vancouver's families, children, seniors, and diverse communities.
Learn about available grants and apply