Donating and volunteering

If you want to help make Vancouver a better place, think about making a donation or volunteering your time.


Volunteering is a rewarding way to gain experience, meet new people, and learn new skills.

Donating to your community

Support your community by making a tax-deductible gift or donation to your favourite park or recreational activity.

Donating records to the Archives

Learn how to donate your historical records, including from your business or organization, to the City Archives for preservation.

Neighbourhood cleanup programs

Volunteer with our neighbourhood cleanup programs and help keep our city clean and contribute to Vancouver’s zero waste goals.

Your City Hall

Tools and resources for learning how City Hall works, how to get involved, and how to make change happen.

Did you know?

Donations to municipalities are tax deductible.

Visit the Canada Revenue Agency to learn more

Tax receipts will be sent by mail for all donations of $25 or more. Tax receipts for gifts under $25 are mailed on request.