Volunteers place litter into a trash bag in a residential neighbourhood

Neighbourhood cleanup programs

Volunteer with our neighbourhood cleanup programs and help keep our city clean and contribute to Vancouver’s zero waste goals. By cleaning up our environment, we can reduce litter that could otherwise harm wildlife and pollute the land and waterways. 

Our team is dedicated to supporting your cleanup initiatives. There are several ways to participate in a litter cleanup.

If you have any questions, contact us at cleanup@vancouver.ca

Neighbourhood Cleanup Party

Host a one-time cleanup party and we will lend you supplies to get you started!

Adopt a Block

Make an ongoing commitment to keeping a neighbourhood block or area of your choice clean. Volunteer hours available for students.

Join a cleanup

Join a City hosted cleanup or sign up to receive notifications for upcoming cleanups.

Adopt a Park pilot

Learn more about our pilot where volunteers help keep their neighbourhood park litter-free.

Cleanup Chronicles newsletter

Learn more about community and volunteer participation in litter reduction, our response to zero waste, and related news and events

View newsletters:
June 2024March 2024 | September 2023 | May 2023March 2023