The City of Vancouver and partners are implementing the Community Economic Development (CED) Strategy PDF file (2 MB), which was co-created in 2016 by the City and communities to help meet goals in the Downtown Eastside Plan, the Healthy City Strategy, and other directives.
What is Community Economic Development?
CED empowers communities to shape how the local economy provides for residents and impacts their lives. It asks what kind of community is created and sustained by the local economy, and how to include the people left out.
We all play a part to create an economy that's more just, equitable, and sustainable.
Local businesses, industries, and economic sectors help by:
- Creating diverse, inclusive employment
- Adapting to challenges
- Being proactive, prepared, and resilient
Residents, activists, and organizers help by identifying when the economy fails vulnerable and at-risk people, and identifying and developing solutions.
About the CED Strategy
The strategy was co-created in 2016 by staff and the Community Economic Development Strategic Action Committee (CEDSAC) – a group of 35 community groups, businesses, residents, and other local stakeholders.
CEDSAC has since grown into a separate organization called Exchange Inner City External web site, opens in new tab, which is the City’s lead partner on implementing the CED Strategy.
How the strategy works
The CED Strategy’s projects, partnerships, and programs are helping to advance our work on poverty reduction, affordability, equity, and other key areas of concern.
Projects and progress
The City, Exchange Inner City, and other partners have initiated a number of projects from the CED Strategy. View a few examples of implementation highlights below.
Related initiatives
Poverty Reduction Plan
The City is committed to creating a poverty reduction plan to raise incomes and reduce the number of Vancouverites struggling to make ends meet.
Community Benefit Agreements Policy
Community Benefit Agreements provide more jobs and training for local residents and ensure diverse local businesses thrive.
Contact the CED planner
Do you have a great idea for community economic development? Have questions?