What we ask from committee members
As a committee member, you will be expected to:
- Sign a memorandum of understanding about the committee’s work that outlines expectations of conduct, commitment, and timelines
- Meet four times between February and August
- Approve the job description for the committee's own CED coordinator
- Collaborate on the CED Strategy before it's presented to Council in October 2016
- Help implement the strategy, and monitor it and its approved projects in 2017 and beyond
- Consider the governance, structure, and resources the committee needs to help implement and monitor the strategy
How we support the committee
The CED planner will:
- Assemble the committee
- Present policy ideas and projects
- Provide necessary materials, reports, data, and other useful information
The CED coordinator will:
- Help the committee carry out its work, and identify gaps and opportunities
- Facilitate meetings, and take and distribute minutes
- Find meeting locations and catering
- Liaise between the City and quick-start grant recipients
- Conduct research at the committee's request
Apply to join
Gather these documents:
- A one-page letter about:
- The way you reflect the diversity of the DTES – its neighbourhoods, local populations, and employment base
- Your perspective, specialized knowledge, and history of implementing successful projects related to any of these areas:
- Local labor force trends and employment barriers
- Micro-enterprise and social enterprise
- Industrial lands and retail corridors
- Social purpose real estate
- Indigenous economic development and capacity building
- Women’s perspectives
- Informal economy
- Arts and culture economy
- Lived experiences of vulnerable populations
- Poverty alleviation
- Social inclusion
- Several one-page letters of reference to support your application from other organizations, for example:
- Resident or neighbourhood associations
- Service providers
- Business improvement associations
- Non-profit social enterprises
Email the documents to cedstrategy@vancouver.ca.