Downtown Eastside Plan workshop

Community Economic Development Strategy Action Committee

What we ask from committee members

As a committee member, you will be expected to:

  1. Sign a memorandum of understanding about the committee’s work that outlines expectations of conduct, commitment, and timelines
  2. Meet four times between February and August
  3. Approve the job description for the committee's own CED coordinator
  4. Collaborate on the CED Strategy before it's presented to Council in October 2016
  5. Help implement the strategy, and monitor it and its approved projects in 2017 and beyond
  6. Consider the governance, structure, and resources the committee needs to help implement and monitor the strategy

How we support the committee

The CED planner will:

  • Assemble the committee
  • Present policy ideas and projects
  • Provide necessary materials, reports, data, and other useful information

The CED coordinator will:

  • Help the committee carry out its work, and identify gaps and opportunities
  • Facilitate meetings, and take and distribute minutes
  • Find meeting locations and catering
  • Liaise between the City and quick-start grant recipients
  • Conduct research at the committee's request

Apply to join

Gather these documents:

  1. A one-page letter about:
    • The way you reflect the diversity of the DTES – its neighbourhoods, local populations, and employment base
    • Your perspective, specialized knowledge, and history of implementing successful projects related to any of these areas:
      • Local labor force trends and employment barriers
      • Micro-enterprise and social enterprise
      • Industrial lands and retail corridors
      • Social purpose real estate
      • Indigenous economic development and capacity building
      • Women’s perspectives
      • Informal economy
      • Arts and culture economy
      • Lived experiences of vulnerable populations
      • Poverty alleviation
      • Social inclusion 
  2. Several one-page letters of reference to support your application from other organizations, for example:
    • Resident or neighbourhood associations
    • Service providers
    • Business improvement associations
    • Non-profit social enterprises

Email the documents to