Did you know?
Parts of the DTES and Strathcona area, called Ḵ'emḵ'emel̓áy̓ (Ḵ'em•ḵ'em•el̓•áy̓), meaning maple trees in the Squamish language, was an Indigenous summer settlement site for many generations.
The Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan, approved by City Council in 2014, provides a vision, policies, and strategies for the DTES that focuses on ways to improve the lives of low-income DTES residents and community members.
The plan was developed in partnership with the DTES Neighbourhood Council, Building Community Society, and the Planning Committee. Through each phase of the planning process, there was a range of community engagement opportunities, where residents, business, community groups, and stakeholders shared their ideas and feedback.
Since its approval, the DTES Plan has been implemented in collaboration with senior government, the non-profit sector, and the community. Through ongoing monitoring and evaluation, updates on the DTES Plan implementation progress are also shared with Council every three years.
What's happeningCouncil approved 2024 DTES Matching Grant Program
On June 26, 2024, Council approved $649,700 in matching grants to 17 Downtown Eastside (DTES) non-profit organisations to strategically advance the social, economic, and environmental objectives of the DTES Plan.
Read the Council report PDF file (289 KB)
DTES Rezoning Policy
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on the proposed amendment on the DTES Rezoning Policy. We are summarizing the results and will share an update soon.
DTES Plan implementation summary (11.65 MB)
View the three-year summary of the implementation progress of the DTES Plan from 2017-2019.

Jobs and economy (2.22 MB)
View a snapshot of the jobs and economy in the Downtown Eastside.

Full community plan
A longer read about managing future change in each area, housing, culture, economy, health, parks, transportation, heritage, and more.
Phase 4: Plan implementation and monitoring (spring 2014 to present)
Council approved 2024 DTES Matching Grant Program
June 26, 2024: Council approved $649,700 in matching grants to 17 Downtown Eastside (DTES) non-profit organisations to strategically advance the social, economic, and environmental objectives of the DTES Plan.
Council approved 2023 DTES Matching Grant Program
June 28, 2023: Council approved $932,400 in matching grants to 23 DTES non-profit organizations to strategically advance the social, economic, and environmental objectives of the DTES Plan.
Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law
April 2023: City Council approved minor regulatory and policy amendments to the DTES Plan to reflect previous updates made to the Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan By-law and FC-1 district schedule to increase the floor space ratio and height for social housing developments.
- Read the summary and recommendation PDF file (93 KB)
- Referral report dated February 13, 2023 PDF file (238 KB)
- Draft By-law - Zoning and Development PDF file (157 KB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (159 KB)
Apply for a DTES Matching Grant
March 2023: The program provides matching funds for community-based projects that help achieve the objectives of the DTES Plan. Supported projects will:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives on page 11 of the DTES Plan PDF file (25 MB)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions in Chapter 18 of the DTES Plan PDF file (25 MB)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents, particularly those with structural barriers
Each proposed project is evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Read the guidelines PDF file (300 KB)
Learn more about Capital Project Grants
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law
May 2022: City Council approved amendments to the FC-1 (East False Creek) District and Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer District Official Development Plan (DEOD ODP), as well as consequential amendments to the DTES Rezoning Policy and DEOD.
The amendments respond to key community and Council priorities of increasing social and supportive housing in the DTES. The changes streamline the development process for projects that deliver 100% social housing by increasing height and density under zoning.
- Read the summary and recommendation PDF file (120 KB)
- Referral report dated January 25, 2022 PDF file (2.6 MB)
- Draft By-law Zoning and Development PDF file (599 KB)
- Draft By-law - Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan PDF file (760 KB)
- Memorandum dated May 10, 2022, from the General Manager, Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability PDF file (449 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (3.8 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (105 KB)
Apply for a DTES Matching Grant
March 2022 - We provide matching funds for community-based projects that help achieve the objectives of the DTES Plan. Supported projects:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives PDF file (25 MB) (pages 11 to 12)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions PDF file (26 MB) (chapter 18)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents, particularly those who face structural barriers
Each proposed project is evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Read the guidelines PDF file (317 KB)
Learn more about Capital Project Grants
Note We are no longer accepting applications.
DTES community hubs
October 2021 - Between May and July, we gathered feedback from five social service organizations and DTES residents on the initial five parklets identified as community hub pilot sites. The feedback collected will help to inform the design and implementation of upgrades. We want to thank our community partners: Kilala Lelum, Evelyne Saller, PHS Outpatient Clinic, Union Gospel Mission, and Aboriginal Front Door.
Read the engagement report PDF file (2.8 MB)
Grant allocations report
October 2021 - Council approved Social Enterprise Program (SEP) $350,000 in grant allocations to help preserve and strengthen the cultural diversity, long-term viability, and economic opportunity of heritage businesses, social enterprises, and non-profit organizations in Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside.
DTES policy updates to increase social housing
September 2021 – Under the Housing Vancouver Strategy: Three-year Action Plan (2017), modest increases in density and height to facilitate the delivery of more social housing were allowed in recently approved community plans.
During the month of September, you shared your views on the proposed updates to DTES rezoning and zoning policy in the DEOD OPD and FC-1 areas.
Read the full public engagement summary PDF file (462 KB)
Special Enterprise Program (SEP) pilot approved by Council
January 2021 - The purpose of this pilot is to urgently address the issues of commercial vacancies, affordability, upgrade needs, capacity building, attraction, and retention of heritage and community-serving businesses, non-profits and social enterprises with a special focus in Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside.
Council approved an initial $500,000 as seed capital to continue supporting the community-serving retail project in Chinese Society Buildings, provide capacity building to heritage and community-serving businesses, and assist potential non-profit and/or social enterprise tenants gain access to vacant or underutilized spaces. This pilot will be implemented in partnership between Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability and Arts, Culture, and Community Services.
View the documents:
- SEP report PDF file (577 KB)
- SEP graphic summary PDF file (667 KB)
- SEP Council presentation PDF file (1.5 MB)
Apply for a DTES Matching Grant
March 2021 - We provide matching funds for projects that meet the criteria as outlined in the DTES Plan. Supported projects will:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives on page 11 PDF file (20 MB)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions in chapter 18 PDF file (26 MB)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents
Each proposed project is evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Read the guidelines PDF file (178 KB)
Learn more about Capital Project Grants
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
Summary on the implementation of the DTES Plan
October 2020 – We're pleased to share the three-year Summary on the implementation of the DTES Plan (2017-2019), which covers in-depth information on plan implementation achievements, as well as a detailed summary of what we heard from the community. The summary includes:
- Overview of background and context
- Public consultation
- Monitoring and evaluation
- City-wide initiatives
- Implementation highlights
- Emerging three-year priorities and funding
The appendices include:
- Summaries of City of Vancouver and Parks Board initiatives
- Engagement with community groups on various components of the DTES Plan
- Overview of DTES Capital Grants
View the full summary
PDF file (7 MB)Council has also received the Memorandum of the DTES implementation (2017-2019) PDF file (326 KB).
DTES Retail Continuity Policy review
September 2020 - Retail continuity policies support active and vibrant pedestrian-focused streets by maintaining and reinforcing continuous retail and other similar activities of ground floor storefronts. Within the DTES, retail continuity policies apply in the Victory Square and Downtown Eastside Oppenheimer District.
The DTES Plan requires a review of retail continuity policies with the goal of increasing pedestrian activity, commercial and service uses, and general vitality to Hastings, Main, and Powell streets as well as removing barriers to new enterprises, development, and creativity (policies 6.5.9 and 10.3.1).
Conditions in the DTES have changed considerably since the retail continuity policies were first introduced in 1982 including social health challenges, high vacancies, reduced retail interest, and increased need for community-serving uses. As part of the Employment Lands and Economy Review, staff is proposing a quick start action to update and improve retail continuity policies to:
- Allow more flexibility in uses for storefront spaces
- Lower barriers to community-serving organizations seeking space in the neighbourhood
- Help fill vacant ground floor stores
Find out more about the proposed changes PDF file (228 KB)
Learn more about the Employment Lands and Economy Review
The proposed changes will go before Council to be referred to Public Hearing on a date to be determined. To learn more, contact us at dtesplan@vancouver.ca
Business Improvement Association Breakfast
January 2020 – In partnership with 4 DTES Business Improvement Associations, we hosted the BIA Breakfast event at the Vancouver Public Library, which invited property owners, businesses, and non-profit organizations to discuss how the DTES Plan helps support the local economy and strategies to revitalize the neighbourhood in the next five years.
View the full BIA Breakfast consultation summary PDF file (354 KB)
Apply for a matching grant for your DTES community project
March 31, 2020 - We will provide matching funds for projects that meet the criteria as outlined in the DTES Plan. Supported projects will:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives on page 11 PDF file (20 MB)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions in chapter 18 PDF file (20 MB)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents
Each proposed project will also be evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Read the guidelines PDF file (300 KB)
Learn more about Capital Project Grants
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
DTES Plan: Community fair
September 2019 - The DTES Plan Community Fair was held at the Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall on June 20, 2019.
A questionnaire was distributed during and after the fair that asked for feedback on the plan implementation to date, funding priorities for the next five years, and how they can be achieved to help inform future grants, initiatives, and projects. The consultation summary summarizes the findings of the questionnaire and feedback, and will be shared with City Council as part of the next DTES Plan progress update in 2020.
Watch a highlight video of our event
View the consultation summary PDF file (1.8 MB)
July 2019 – Approved in 2014, the DTES Plan is a 30-year vision for the neighbourhood that strives to maintain the uniqueness of the DTES while revitalizing the area without displacing residents.
We're now sharing a progress update on the plan's implementation, and seeking public feedback on plan priorities for the next five years, and how they can be achieved.
Your feedback will help inform future grants, initiatives, and projects, and be shared with Council as part of the next DTES Plan progress update in 2020.
- View the DTES Plan implementation - housing and homelessness presentation PDF file (4 MB)
- View the information boards PDF file (10 MB)
Blood Alley Square redesign project
Tree management update
In direct response to feedback received, the tree management plan for Blood Alley Square which initially retained 4 existing trees has been updated to retain the existing significant tree located at the northern edge of the square. Additionally, we have developed a tree succession plan that incorporates the planting of two large size specimen trees that will replace existing trees that are to be removed due to their poor health. This will ensure that the tree canopy is restored and enhanced.
What’s next?
Next steps will include commencement of unhealthy tree removals summer of 2019 in coordination with the adjacent development, design refinement based on feedback received at the May 15 open house, engagement with local stakeholders to develop community partnerships for stewardship of Blood Alley Square, and coordination of a final design open house in conjunction with the Gastown Complete Streets Project in early 2020.
Learn more about the Blood Alley Square Redesign Project
May 15, 2019 - An open house was held to present the proposed design concept for Blood Alley Square. We're developing an exciting and vibrant redesign to create an inclusive space that is open to people from all walks of life.
Thank you to everyone that attended or shared their thoughts on the detailed design presented during this past round of consultation from May 15 to June 16, 2019. Your feedback will be used to refine the proposed design where feasible, while taking into account technical and financial considerations.
Apply for a matching grant for your DTES community project
March 5, 2018 - We will provide matching funds for projects that meet the criteria as outlined in the DTES Plan. Supported projects will:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives on page 11 PDF file (20 MB)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions in chapter 18 PDF file (20 MB)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents
Each proposed project will also be evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
Survey for legacy businesses in Chinatown
December 12, 2017 – We want your input as we continue to study what defines a legacy business in Chinatown.
Information icon The survey is now closed.
Tell us what you think about legacy businesses in Chinatown
November 21, 2017 – We are studying the importance of legacy businesses to Chinatown’s character. The community forum was held on December 8, 2017 to hear about the initial results from a consultant study.
Wrapping up the Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grants Program
October 17, 2017 – Over the last three years, we have been providing matching grants to fund critical repairs to buildings owned by Chinese Societies around the Downtown Eastside. The program helped fund repairs to buildings with low-income housing, cultural spaces, and heritage value.
This work now continues with the Chinese Society Legacy Program, which provides further support and capacity building to Chinese Societies.
Hastings-Kiwassa Urban Design guidelines
September 23, 2017 – We held two open houses about proposed guidelines for the Hastings-Kiwassa area. Your feedback will help us develop urban design guidelines that will influence how new buildings along East Hastings Street and Kiwassa will look.
View the material from the open house
DTES Liquor Policy
June 14, 2017 - Council approved the following policy for the DTES. The policy provides guidance to the public, City staff and Council when considering applications for liquor primary licenses.
For more information, read:
Read the three-year update on DTES Plan
April 11, 2017 - Staff presented Council with an update on the implementation of the DTES Plan. The report includes updated indicators and statistics for the DTES, and priorities moving forward.
- Read the Council report PDF file (464 KB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (1.22 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (118 KB)
Apply for a matching grant for your DTES community project
March 6, 2017 - We will provide matching funds for projects that meet the criteria as outlined in the DTES Plan. Supported projects will:
- Achieve the Social Impact Objectives on page 11 PDF file (20 MB)
- Implement the Quick Start Actions in Chapter 18 PDF file (20 MB)
- Place an emphasis on the community
- Benefit DTES residents
Each proposed project will also be evaluated for its impact on residents who face structural barriers.
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
- Download the DTES Capital Grants application form
(870 KB)
- Download the program summary and application guidelines PDF file (175 KB)
February 25 neighbourhood event: Blood Alley Square
January 31, 2017 - A fun family event was held for people to learn more about the Blood Alley Square redesign project and to share ideas and suggestions about what events and activities they would like to see in the square.
Railtown I-4 (Historic Industrial) District referred to public hearing
December 13, 2016 - Council referred recommended zoning and development bylaw amendments to an upcoming public hearing in 2017. The proposed amendments are to add the creative products manufacturing use to the Zoning and Development Bylaw, and rezone a limited portion of the M-2 Industrial District as a new I-4 (Historic Industrial) District.
October 13 open house: Railtown industrial sub-area
October 7, 2016 - An open house was held for people to learn more and share their thoughts on the proposed I-4 light industrial zone for the Railtown industrial sub-area. The new I-4 zone is proposed through the DTES plan’s review of the role of Railtown (currently M-2 heavy industrial), and reinforces industrial uses, incentivizes the retention of historic industrial buildings, and allows for creative manufacturing.
- View the open house information displays PDF file (2 MB) and historical context report for the Railtown industrial area PDF file (3 MB)
Blood Alley Square and Trounce Alley Redesign questionnaire
July 18, 2016 - In June, we hosted two kick-off events inviting you to help us redesign Blood Alley Square and Trounce Alley. We heard from neighbourhood residents, businesses, and community groups on what matters to them, and launched an online questionnaire. Your feedback will to help shape the redesign by giving the consultant team a better understanding about what matters to you.
$100,000 awarded to implement phase 1 of the Chinese Society Legacy Program
June 15, 2016 - Following an update on the overall program implementation plan and funding strategy for the Chinese Society Legacy Program, Council approved a grant of $100,000 to the Chinatown Society Heritage Buildings Association (CSHBA). In consultation with the CSHBA, these funds will be used as seed capital to implement phase 1 of the program. The goal of phase 1 is to have two to three buildings ready for rehabilitation in 2017 of the program. We will report back in one year to provide an update on the results of the fundraising drive, and may include a revised implementation plan and timeline.
- Read the Council report PDF file (407 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (1.7 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (149 KB)
DTES non-profit organisations awarded $556,600 in DTES Capital Grants
June 15, 2016 - Council approved $556,600 in matching grants to twenty-four Downtown Eastside (DTES) non-profit organisations to strategically advance the social, economic, and environmental objectives of the approved DTES Plan. The anticipated benefits from these capital grants include an improved training and hiring facility that has hired over a hundred DTES residents with barriers to employment; improved shelter for sixty residents; improved service centre where five hundred people access services every day; and up to an estimated seventy-five low-barrier jobs.
- Read the Council report PDF file (413 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (944 KB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (149 KB)
$496,000 awarded for 2016 Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grants
May 4, 2016 - Council approved $496,000 in the third round of matching grants to 10 Chinese family clan and benevolent societies: $140,000 to four first-time applicants, and $356,000 to six applicants that previously received matching grants in 2014 and 2015.
Three of the four first-time applicants provide a total of 19 affordable rental housing units with monthly rents ranging from $175 to $900. Half of the six return applicants provide a total of 49 affordable rental housing units with monthly rents ranging from $180 to $686.
The matching grants assist societies to make essential repairs to their buildings, protecting heritage and supporting the affordable and seniors housing provided by many societies in Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside. The grant program recognizes the importance of these buildings as vital cultural anchors, critical to preserving and fostering the unique Chinese identity and character of Chinatown, and the societies as key partners in Chinatown’s revitalization.
- View the Council meeting agenda and minutes PDF file (775 KB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (145 KB)
DTES non-profit organizations awarded $460,432 in DTES Capital Grants
July 8, 2015 - Council approved $460,000 in matching grants to 15 Downtown Eastside (DTES) non-profit organizations to strategically advance Community Economic Development (CED) objectives for the approved DTES Plan. The capital grants will help non-profits create jobs, grow their enterprises, and build CED capacity.
By working with non-profits, we strive to help improve the lives of low-income residents and revitalise the area without displacing vulnerable residents and valuable community assets.
Third round of Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant approved
December 10, 2015 - Following an update on the progress of the first and second round of matching grants, Council approved $400,000 towards a third round, with priority consideration for eligible first-time applicants followed by societies that have previously received only one grant. Of the 30 matching grants approved in 2014 and 2015:
- 25 have been completed or are in progress, with building rehabilitation projects totaling close to $1.7 million in matching funds
- 3 were withdrawn by the applicant
- 2 applications are incomplete
Look for information on how to apply in spring 2016.
- Read the Council report PDF file (250 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (3.8 MB)
- Read the Council meeting minutes PDF file (156 KB)
New building rehabilitation program: Chinese Society Legacy Program
December 10, 2015 - Council approved a new building rehabilitation program to protect and conserve the 12 society heritage buildings in Chinatown, and committed $3.6 million towards the total program budget of $36 million. These heritage buildings are over 100 years old and are in urgent need of rehabilitation. The program aims to upgrade these important heritage assets and create a lasting cultural legacy for generations to come.
The city manager will work with the Chinatown Society Heritage Buildings Association to explore strategic partnerships and funding opportunities with senior levels of government, philanthropic organizations, and community partners to secure the budget for the Chinese Society Legacy Program.
We will report back on the program funding strategy in March 2016.
- Read the Council report PDF file (2.3 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (156 KB)
- Read the Vancouver Chinese Society Legacy Program overview PDF file (295 KB)
- 溫哥華華埠宗親會及會館傳承計畫 PDF file (525 KB)
Matching Grant Program to support Community Economic Development in the DTES
May 25, 2015 - This grant program will provide matching grants for projects that help implement Quick Starts Actions in the Council approved DTES Plan PDF file (7 MB) to support the local economy (Chapter 10) with an emphasis on the community. Applications will be evaluated to see how the proposed projects achieve benefits for the residents of the DTES through Community Economic Development in particular job creation, and supporting existing and new social enterprises.
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
- Download the DTES Community Economic Development Grants application form Word file (203 KB)
- Download the program summary and application guidelines PDF file (346 KB)
Strategic support for the Chinatown society heritage buildings
January 2015 – In response to Council direction on July 9, 2014, we are seeking a consultant team to undertake a study to develop strategic support for rehabilitating the heritage society buildings, to compliment the Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program. The consultant team will conduct technical studies of the society heritage buildings in Chinatown, and prepare a business case and partner-development package for the buildings' rehabilitation. The study will be done in collaboration with the Chinatown Society Heritage Building Association under the direction of the chief housing officer.
Nearly $2 million awarded in DTES Capital Grants and Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grants
December 17, 2014 – Council approved $955,000 in DTES capital grants for 40 non-profit DTES organisations to strategically advance the DTES Plan's social, economic, and environmental objectives. The grants program provides funding based on Council priorities to help the local community – vulnerable residents, in particular – to achieve better opportunities and quality of life.
- Read the Council report PDF file (1.1 MB)
- View the presentation PDF file (3.8 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (178 KB)
Council also approved $1.16 million in matching grants to 17 Chinese family clan and benevolent societies for critical capital upgrades to society-owned buildings in Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside. Of the 17 applications received, 10 societies provide 407 affordable rental housing units with monthly rents from $175 to $670. These grants support and strengthen the societies, which continue to play a vital role in protecting affordable housing and preserving Chinatown's unique character, cultural identity, and heritage.
- Read the Council report PDF file (1.1 MB)
- View the presentation PDF file (3.8 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (178 KB)
Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program now accepting applications
October 3, 2014 – Applications were accepted for the Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program in October 2014 and January 2015. Societies were able to apply for a new grant each intake if the proposed project is for a new, distinct scope of work.
Information icon We are no longer accepting applications.
Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program
– a DTES Plan Quick Start to support community heritage initiativesJuly 9, 2014 – A new grant program and strategic support for critical upgrades to preserve and protect buildings owned by Chinese Family Clan and Benevolent Societies has been approved by Vancouver City Council.
The grant program will provide matching grants for capital maintenance and upgrades to buildings owned by the societies. Heritage buildings and those with affordable and social housing units will get priority consideration. A consultant study will also be completed in partnership with the Chinatown Society Heritage Building Association.
Further information on how to apply will be available in the fall.
- Read the Council report PDF file (650 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (4.7 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (151 KB)
Updating the Vancouver Heritage Register
– a DTES Plan Quick Start to support broader heritage values in the communityJune 11, 2014 – The City's Heritage Action Plan is now underway, which includes updating the Vancouver Heritage Register. The Vancouver Heritage Register is the cornerstone of the City's heritage program. It provides a complete inventory of sites in Vancouver that have historical, cultural, aesthetic, scientific, or educational worth.
We are updating the Vancouver Heritage Register to reflect sites with broader heritage values, including:
- Social movements
- Significant street events
- Traditions
- Public places
- Historic areas, such as Paueru Gai (Powell Street)
Researching how best to involve communities to monitor neighbourhood changes
Spring 2014 – In response to Council direction, we are researching best practices from other cities about how to directly involve residents and stakeholders with monitoring the pace and impact of neighbourhood change in the DTES.
Survey of business characteristics underway
– a DTES Plan Quick Start to retain local businessSpring 2014 – We are working with the Chinatown, Hastings Crossing, and Strathcona Business Improvement Associations on a joint neighbourhood survey of businesses.
This survey will help further our understanding of the characteristics of DTES businesses and help to identify opportunities, including:
- Linkages and opportunities for partnership
- Local procurement
- Business-to-business networking
Ongoing engagement with local businesses is key to many of the local economy actions in the DTES Plan, and is important to shape and support the economic health and future of our communities.
Creating a Community Economic Development Strategy
Spring 2014 – We are developing a Community Economic Development Strategy to complement the Local Economy chapter of the DTES Plan, at the request of City Council. This spring, we held a series of six strategic sessions with Simon Fraser University and Hastings Crossing Business Improvement Association to explore the various components and approaches of community economic development strategies.
This learning opportunity provided a strong foundation and good direction for the strategy going forward. This summer, we will begin targeted outreach with a range of stakeholders and the broader public to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be involved and share their input.
Supporting a permanent home for the DTES Street Market
– a DTES Plan Quick Start to encourage inclusive local employmentSpring 2014 – We have begun work on finding a more permanent location for the DTES Street Market on Carrall Street for safer survival vending. As well, we are looking at how to support opportunities for selling locally-produced arts and crafts.
Improving public spaces in the DTES
Early spring 2014 – We are exploring various public realm improvements, such as new benches, bicycle parking, and neighbourhood bulletin boards, in collaboration with the business improvement associations and resident groups. Street amenities contribute to vibrant, attractive streets and public spaces in the DTES, and encourage walking, cycling, and social connectedness.
Phase 3: Feedback and approval (fall 2013 – winter 2014)
DTES Plan approved by Council
March 18, 2014 – The DTES Plan, Rezoning Policy, and Micro Dwelling Unit Policies and Guidelines were approved by Council on March 15, 2014.
The next major step is for Council to consider the recommended zoning and bylaw changes and other amendments at an upcoming public hearing. The proposed amendments are to the Downtown Official Development Plan, Downtown Eastside Oppenheimer Official Development Plan, Single Room Accommodation Bylaw, and Zoning and Development Bylaw. Planning for the DTES will continue with the implementation of the actions noted in the Plan.
- Read the Council report PDF file (11.7 MB)
- View the presentation PDF file (4.4 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (51 KB)
- Memorandum from the city manager dated March 7, 2014 PDF file (221 KB)
Plan includes Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Hotel Strategy to improve tenant conditions
Improving conditions for SRO tenants is a key housing goal of the DTES Plan. The Chief Housing Officer now has the ability to approve Single Room Accommodation Bylaw permits for upgrades to non-market SROs. These upgrades can be further supported through $5,000-per-door grants to non-profit operators.
Staff are also in the process of developing the call for proposals for the $40,000 grant to a non-profit with expertise in mediating landlord/tenant conflict and assisting through the Residential Tenancy Branch arbitration process. It is anticipated that the call for proposals will go out in late summer with a recommendation to Council on the successful applicant in early fall.
DTES Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
February 26, 2014 – With help from the SIA Reference Group, the Social Impact Assessment was prepared as part of the DTES Plan process to examine how future developments and land use changes could affect the low-income community in the area. The SIA identifies impacts before any development is implemented to help maximize the positive effects on a community while minimizing the negative.
DTES Plan expected to go to City Council March 12
February 11, 2014 – Thanks to all who came out to see us at one of our learning sessions in January.
The DTES Plan is expected to go to City Council on March 12.
Learning sessions held on the draft plan
January 24, 2014 – Six learning sessions were held from January 30 to February 8 for attendees to find out more about the plan, ask questions, and share their thoughts.
City releases draft plan
December 17, 2013 – We have completed the draft DTES Plan that will guide change and development in the area over the next 30 years. We will seek your input on the draft plan in January 2014 before we present it to Council in the spring.
Phase 2: Planning (spring 2013 – fall 2013)
Council approves additional time for the DTES Plan Process
September 27, 2013 – On September 25, 26, and 27, Council met to discuss the "Community Plans: Next Steps" report.
Summarizing the components related to the DTES, Council approved the following next steps:
- Consider the draft DTES Plan by January 31, 2014
- Refer plan-related zoning and bylaw changes to a public hearing in early 2014
- Extend the DTES Plan Process Interim Rezoning Policy and Development Management Guidelines until adopting the plan and enacting related zoning and bylaw changes
Staff to update Council on next steps for community plans
September 17, 2013 – Staff published the report "Community Plans: Next Steps" about the process and next steps for community planning work in Downtown Eastside, Grandview-Woodland, Marpole, and West End. Council will discuss this report on Wednesday, September 25 at 9:30am, at the City Finance and Services Committee meeting.
Thank you for commenting on the emerging directions
August 19, 2013 – The questionnaire on the DTES Plan emerging directions is now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. The comments collected will be used to make further refinements to the DTES Plan.
Council directs staff to review community plan schedule
August 1, 2013 – On Tuesday, July 23 Council directed staff to review the schedule for the four Community Plan processes currently underway.
Staff will look at progress to date and feedback gathered through the consultation process so far, in order to identify options for possible additional steps and a revised timeline and budget for each of the four plans. Staff will present a report and recommendations to Council on this matter in late September.
Mini information sessions hosted on emerging directions
July 26, 2013 – Following the recent open houses, 4 additional small events were held for attendees to chat with staff about the emerging directions for the DTES.
Open houses were held on July 18 and 20 on emerging directions
July 8, 2013 – Emerging directions have been developed with input from the DTES Plan Committee, as well as from residents, businesses, and stakeholders. Two open houses were held for residents to learn more about the emerging directions and to provide their feedback.
An online questionnaire was also available.
What do you think about the DTES draft emerging directions?
June 13, 2013 – Two open houses were held to share the draft emerging directions, which were developed based on the issues, concerns, and ideas identified by the community through recent meetings, open houses, workshops, and round table discussions. The open houses showcased a variety of proposed community-wide policies and neighbourhood-level directions and gave the community an opportunity to ask questions and provide further input. Feedback shared helped refine the draft directions toward a draft of the DTES Plan.
Meetings and open houses
May 6, 2013 – Since the “What Are We Hearing” event in September 2012, we have been out in the community listening to what you have had to say on a range of topics that affect your neighbourhood at two open houses in November 2012, and in May 2013. We have also had meetings with residents groups, and DTES Business Improvement Associations.
Round tables and workshops
April 30, 2013 – After the September 2012 “What Are We Hearing” event, two series of round tables were held to discuss the four key themes: Our Wellbeing, Our Livelihoods, Our Homes, and Our Places. These round tables involved the DTES Plan committee members, and key stakeholders and agencies.
The purpose of the first series of roundtables were to review and discuss key issues, and with input from the stakeholders/agencies, draft principles and possible actions.
The second series of roundtables involves the integration of common issues between the four themes, followed by the drafting of possible actions and directions.
Phase 1: Reviewing (winter 2011 - fall 2012)
"What are we hearing?" workshop
September 28, 2012 – A workshop was held to give an update on the feedback we’ve heard from the DTES community and progress on developing the Plan so far, including achievements and draft outputs. This workshop also provided an opportunity for attendees to share their ideas and thoughts to help create a vision for the DTES.
Workshop on working together
April 28, 2012 – City staff worked with area plan stakeholders and partners to establish how all members of the planning process would work together, and to get going on planning to build a stronger community.
Council approves Interim Rezoning Policy
March 28, 2012 – There are a number of development concerns in the DTES affecting low-income residents such as the rapid rate of market residential development, higher rents displacing residents from their homes, and the transformation of the retail environment leading to socio-economic hardship.
The interim rezoning policy was adopted to avoid making the situation worse during the planning process.
Presentation to Council
March 27, 2012 – The DTES Plan framework, Interim Rezoning Policy, and Development Management guidelines were presented to Council
- Read the Council report PDF file (834 KB)
- View the presentation PDF file (2.3 MB)
- Read the Council agenda and minutes PDF file (51 KB)
City Council instructs staff to start work on a DTES Plan process
January 20, 2011 – Vancouver City Council established a committee to enhance and accelerate the creation of a local area plan for the Downtown Eastside.
Approved plan and land use policies
Land use and development policies and guidelines
- I-4 Creative Products Manufacturing Uses Bulletin PDF file (734 KB)
- Liquor policy for Downtown Eastside (June 14, 2017) PDF file (285 KB)
- Micro Dwelling Policies and Guidelines PDF file (695 KB)
- Neighbourhood Fit Administrative Bulletin and Evaluation Form PDF file (965 KB)
- Policies and Guidelines for the Upgrade of Rooms Designated under the Single Room Accommodation (SRA) Bylaw 8733 PDF file (625 KB)
- Rezoning Policy for the Downtown Eastside PDF file (858 KB)
Implementation reports
By-laws, policies, and guidelines
- Minor Regulatory and Policy Amendments – Zoning and Development By-law, Downtown Eastside Plan, RM-8 and RM-8N Guidelines, and RM-8A and RM-8AN Guidelines (March 7, 2023) PDF file (238 KB)
- Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law in the FC-1 District, and to the Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer District Official Development Plan (DEOD ODP) By-law (April 12, 2022) PDF file (2.6 MB)
- Employment Lands and Economy Review Quick Start Actions: Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer District Official Development Plan Text Amendment – Retail Continuity Policy Review for Flexibility of Ground Floor Uses (November 24, 2020) PDF file (418 KB)
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan Implementation Progress memorandum (October 20, 2020) PDF file (120 KB)
- Amendments to the Chinatown HA-1 and HA-1A Districts Schedule, Design Guidelines and Policies (May 15, 2018) PDF file (8 MB)
- Liquor Policy for Downtown Eastside (June 14, 2017) PDF file (325 KB)
- Enabling Innovative Development with Social Housing - Amendments to the Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan (DEOD ODP) (June 13, 2017) PDF file (548 KB)
- Three-Year Progress Update of the Downtown Eastside Plan (April 11, 2017) PDF file (464 KB)
- Facilitating growth in Vancouver's innovation economy - Railtown - Zoning and Development By-law amendments for 1-4 (historical industrial) district (December 13, 2016) PDF file (604 KB)
- Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan (March 12, 2014) PDF file (11.7 MB)
Programs and grants
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan Implementation and Strategic Grant Allocation – 2023 (June 28, 2023) PDF file (207 KB)
- Chinese Society Legacy Program and Special Enterprise Program Grant Allocations – 2023 (October 17, 2023) PDF file (494 KB)
- Downtown Eastside Plan Implementation and Strategic Grant Allocation - 2022 (June 8, 2022) PDF file (202 KB)
- Downtown Eastside Special Enterprise Program - Allocation of Grant Funding to Implementers (September 22, 2021) PDF file (307 KB)
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan Implementation Grant Allocation - 2021 (June 22, 2021) PDF file (172 KB)
- Downtown Eastside Special Enterprise Pilot Program (December 16, 2020) PDF file (577 KB)
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan Implementation Grant Allocation - 2020 (October 6, 2020) PDF file (1.5 MB)
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Capital Grant Allocation - 2020 (March 31, 2020) PDF file (93 KB)
- 2019 Downtown Eastside (DTES) Capital Grant Program Allocation (May 28, 2019) PDF file (802 KB)
- 2018 Downtown Eastside (DTES) Capital Grant Program Allocation (May 15, 2018) PDF file (346 KB)
- Downtown Eastside (DTES) Projects Funding Update: Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program Final Report and Community Economic Development (CED) Funding Allocation (October 17, 2017) PDF file (136 KB)
- 2017 Downtown Eastside (DTES) Capital Grant Program Allocation (May 30, 2017) PDF file (265 KB)
- Chinese Society Legacy Program - Implementation and Funding Strategy Update (June 15, 2016) PDF file (407 KB)
- Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Allocations - 2016 (May 4, 2016) PDF file (775 KB)
- 2016 Downtown Eastside Capital Grant Program Allocation (March 23, 2016) PDF file (413 KB)
- Chinese Society Buildings Matching Grant Program - Progress Update (December 10, 2015) PDF file (250 KB)
- The Chinese Society Legacy Program (December 10, 2015) PDF file (2.3 MB)
- DTES Community Economic Development Matching Grant Project (July 8, 2015) PDF file (339 KB)
- Implementation of the Downtown Eastside (DTES) Plan Through Strategic DTES Capital Grants (December 17, 2014) PDF file (406 KB)
- Chinese Society buildings matching grant allocations (December 8, 2014) PDF file (1 MB)
- Chinese Family Clan and Benevolent Societies in the Downtown Eastside: A New Grant Program and Strategic Support for Buildings with Heritage, Affordable Housing, or Cultural Assets (June 30, 2014) PDF file (682 KB)
Implementation newsletters
- Issue 13: June 2022 PDF file (15 MB)
- Issue 12: November 2021 PDF file (1.8 MB)
- Issue 11: April 2021 PDF file (1.2 MB)
- Issue 10: December 2019 PDF file (1.7 MB)
- Issue 9: June 2019 PDF file (4.3 KB)
- Issue 8: March 2018 PDF file (666KB)
- Issue 7: September 2017 PDF file (960 KB)
- Issue 6: March 2017 PDF file (583 KB)
- Issue 5: June 2016 PDF file (722 KB)
- Issue 4: January 2016 PDF file (488 KB)
- Issue 3: March 2015 - One year update PDF file (1 MB)
- Issue 2: January 2015 PDF file (780 KB)
- Issue 1: July 2014 PDF file (300 KB)
Background reports, policies, and documents
- DTES development capacity estimates
(643 KB)
- DTES Local Area Plan 10-year action plan
(246 KB)
- DTES Local Area Plan senior government roles and requests
(211 KB)
- DTES Local Area Plan terms of reference (January 24, 2012)
(288 KB)
on the purpose, structure, and process of community planning - DTES Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
(18 MB)
- DTES Liquor Policy
(325 KB)
- Local Area Profile
(12 MB)
- DTES development capacity estimates
Public engagement
Draft Local Area Plan emerging directions questionnaire summary
- Summary of the questionnaire
(1 MB)
January 2014 learning sessions on draft plan
- Draft plan presentation
(3.9 MB)
July 18, 2013 open house display boards on emerging directions
- 下載『市中心東端本區規劃程序』之未來路向總結草稿。
(192 KB)
- Emerging directions display boards (full set)
(20 MB)
- Process overview and planning principles
(1.7 MB)
- Neighbourhood roles
(3.3 MB)
- Housing
(3.3 MB)
- Health and well-being
(954 KB)
- Local economy
(607 KB)
- Land use, built form, and development/proposed policy changes
(2.6 MB)
- Heritage
(203 KB)
- Arts and culture
(224 KB)
- Transportation
(2.2 MB)
- Parks and open space
(2.1 MB)
- Public benefits
(2.8 MB)
- Social impact assessment
(1.5 MB)
- Process overview and planning principles
May 2013 open house on what we are hearing at Pigeon Park Savings
- "What we are hearing" display boards
(2.5 MB)
Stakeholder engagement documents
- Presentation from "What Are We Hearing?" workshop (September 28, 2012)
(699 KB)
- Meeting with developers and the Urban Development Institute (September 13, 2012)
(157 KB)
- Meeting with social services and housing providers (July 11, 2012)
(190 KB)
- Meeting with business stakeholders (July 5, 2012)
(355 KB)
- Meeting with cultural stakeholders (June 28, 2012)
(140 KB)
- Summary of the questionnaire
Economic, historical, and cultural background reports
- Downtown Eastside Retail Capacity Study (2005) PDF file (6 MB)
- Gastown Heritage Management Plan PDF file (608 KB)
- Information sheet: Economy of the Downtown Area PDF file (167 KB)
- Ipsos Reid - City of Vancouver Metropolitan Core Business Survey (2005) PDF file (571 KB)
- Powell Street / Portlands and Powell Street / Clark Drive Industrial Areas Study (2007) PDF file (7 MB)
- Powell Street (Japantown) Historical and Cultural Review (2008) PDF file (5 MB)
- The Vancouver Agreement PDF file (208 KB)
- Downtown Eastside Social Enterprise Impact Report PDF file (6 MB)
The Downtown Eastside Plan was developed in four phases.
- Reviewing: We identified what the key issues were and what assets we had to work with.
- Planning: We developed planning strategies and corresponding action plans. We also identified what would be accomplished, how, and when.
- Feedback and approval: We got feedback from City Council and the public, and after incorporating all of the feedback, we presented the plan to Council for final approval.
- Monitoring and evaluation: We will measure our results to determine whether we've made a difference and achieved our goals, and assess what's left to do.
Previous planning efforts in the Downtown Eastside have served to revitalize the area.
In April 2005, City Council approved the Carrall Street Greenway that now connects Gastown, the Downtown Eastside, and Chinatown. The greenway facilitates economic revitalization and community development in the Downtown Eastside.
On September 22, 2005, the Housing Plan for the Downtown Eastside was adopted by Council. The plan presents a vision for the future of housing in Chinatown, the Downtown Eastside Oppenheimer District, Gastown, the Hastings Corridor, the Industrial Lands, Strathcona, Thornton Park, and Victory Square. It addressed specific housing types: SROs, social housing, market housing, supportive housing, and special needs residential facilities.
From 2008 to 2011, $10 million was given to the Downtown Eastside to celebrate its heritage, culture, and history as part of the Great Beginnings: Old Streets, New Pride initiative.
The Downtown Eastside Plan was approved by City Council in 2014. Since then, implementation and monitoring has been taking place with updates to Council every three years.