Digital rendering of Coal Harbour

Coal Harbour Project: phase 2

Coal Harbour Master Plan

The community amenities were envisioned by the community as part of the Coal Harbour Master Plan. Construction of phase 1 of the plan was completed in 2000, with the construction of Coal Harbour Community Centre and the opening of Coal Harbour Park.

When finished, the new building will complete phase 2 of the Coal Harbour Master Plan and is designed for integration with the existing facilities from phase 1.

We have been working alongside the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and the Vancouver School Board to provide key community amenities to the Coal Harbour neighbourhood, including:

  • An elementary school
  • A childcare centre
  • Affordable housing

New adaptable and multifunctional spaces are needed to accommodate the needs of the growing population in the area. With the community amenities located in proximity to each other, this project aims to create many benefits for the community.

What's happeningConstruction on 488 Broughton Street is expected to complete in late 2024

New amenities planned for completion in phase 2 of the project

  • Coal Harbour Elementary School for 340 students 
  • Childcare centre for 65 children, ages 0 to 5
  • Out-of-school-care program for 69 children
  • 60 affordable homes for rent, with over 50% of units designed for families with children
    • 6 studio units
    • 17 one-bedroom units
    • 23 two-bedroom units
    • 11 three-bedroom units
    • 3 accessible units

Anticipated cost: $84 million

Sustainable building certifications

When complete, this will be a Passive House and LEED Gold  certified green building and significant to our efforts in reducing carbon emissions. Passive House certification is an internationally recognized certification for ultra-low energy buildings that generally require 90% less heating energy and 60% less overall energy than typical buildings in Vancouver.


  • October 2018

    Vancouver Board of Education and City of Vancouver sign Memorandum of Understanding

  • November 2020

    Development permit application submitted

  • January 2021

    Virtual open house and urban design panel

  • March 2021

    Development Permit Board approval

  • June 2021

    Council approves rezoning amendment following a public hearing

  • February 2022

    Construction start

  • Early 2024

    Completion of concrete structure up to the 12th storey

  • We are here
  • 2024

    Completion of interior installations and enclosing the building

  • Q1 2025

    Construction complete