The guidelines establish a vision and are intended to inform all development applications with expectations for new buildings and the public realm.
We are developing urban design guidelines for a sub-area of East Hastings Street from Campbell Avenue to Clark Drive and a public realm strategy for the broader area that will guide future development in this neighbourhood.
They will address:
- Building shape
- Architectural features
- Local-serving retail
- Unique sites
- Contextual design
Vision for Hastings
Drawing from prior efforts and community consultation, these guidelines reflect a culmination of previous work of the Downtown Eastside Plan, as well as the Addressing Social Housing and Secured Rental Housing Priorities report PDF file (332 KB), approved by Council last year. The report directs staff to consider increased height and density for more social and secure rental housing. A coordinated approach to guide change in this growing urban neighbourhood ensures new development contributes to achieving the public space and public life goals identified by the community.