Public health regulations and fines

Smoking in public spaces

In our Health By-law (No. 9535) the definition of "smoking" now includes all forms of e-smoking. This means that electronic smoking is not allowed in any place where regular smoking is already prohibited in public spaces such as restaurants or retail stores and within six meters of a building entrance. There is no exemption for e-smoking clubs or vapour lounges.

The business operator is responsible for ensuring employees or patrons don’t break the by-law, and there are no restrictions on smoking in your own residence (including private balconies) in apartment buildings. Stratas or building managers can make and enforce their own "no smoking" rules.

To protect the health and safety of all Vancouver residents—and ensure that everyone enjoys our public spaces—the City, Park Board, and Police enforce by-law violations such as:

  • Fighting
  • Jaywalking
  • Riding on a sidewalk
  • Riding without a helmet
  • Smoking in a public place
  • Spitting
  • Urinating in a public place

City inspectors, park rangers, and police officers may issue a ticket, depending on the offense circumstances. Penalties range from a fine to court prosecution.

Pay or dispute your ticket

There are two different types of tickets issued for these by-law violations. The steps you follow to pay or dispute your ticket depends on the type of ticket you received.

Does the top of your ticket say…

Notice of by-law violation 

 Municipal information ticket

Contact the Bylaw Prosecutor's Office

Location and mailing address
Bylaw Prosecutor's Office
Suite 270, 900 Howe St
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M4

Phone: 604-665-3528

Contact the Licence Office

Mailing address
City of Vancouver
Licence Office
453 West 12th Ave
Vancouver BC V5Y 1V4

Contact the Park Board

Location and mailing address
Vancouver Board of
Parks and Recreation
Administration Office
2099 Beach Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4

Phone: 604-257-8480

Contact Revenue Services

Revenue Services
1st Floor, City Hall
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Y 1V4

Monday to Friday
8:30am to 5:00pm

Mailing address
City of Vancouver Bylaw Fines
PO Box 7747 Stn Terminal
Vancouver BC V6B 8R1