Transportation Advisory Committee

The mandate of the Transportation Advisory Committee is to advise City Council on strategic priorities relating to walking, cycling and all active transportation modes, as well as public transit and congestion management, in Vancouver.

Meeting updates

Meeting Format:

Civic Agency meetings may be in-person, electronic (as authorized by Section 14.14 of the Procedure By-law), or a hybrid of the two. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted online under the "Meetings" tab below.

Virtual Meeting Platform:

Virtual meetings use Microsoft Teams. No software download is required.

Attending Meetings:

  • To view a meeting online or listen by phone, follow instructions provided below.
  • Join link is made available at least 24 hours before the meeting.
  • For in-person attendance at City Hall, seek directions to the meeting room from Security staff. If arriving after 5:00 pm, enter via the 12th Avenue entrance by using the intercom (this entrance is equipped with a wheelchair ramp).


Unlike meetings of City Council, there is usually no public speaking option during Civic Agency meetings. Members of the public joining virtually will have their cameras and microphones disabled. If you wish to get in touch with this Civic Agency, please see the contact information at the bottom of this page.

Next Meeting Details:

  • Date: March 5, 2025
  • Time: 5:30 pm
  • Location: Joe Wai Room, Ground Floor, City Hall; Virtual (Mircosoft Teams)

Joining via Teams:

  • Click Join the meeting now  
  • Meeting ID (if needed): 252 688 794 661
  • Passcode (if needed): V9ei7Ln7

Joining by Phone (Audio Only):

Consent - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Personal Information collected via MS365 Teams Meetings will be used by the City of Vancouver for managing meeting attendance and collaboration under the authority of s.26(c) of FIPPA. Questions may be emailed to the Director, ATIP,

Mandate and scope

  • Advises Council on strategic priorities relating to walking, cycling, and all active transportation modes, as well as public transit and congestion management
  • Provides feedback on transportation planning and projects such as Broadway Corridors Transportation Planning, Citywide Plan, and more detailed projects like Gastown Complete Streets and the Granville Bridge Connector
  • Advises Council and staff on Transportation 2040 and Active Transportation Master Plan as they are developed, implemented, and updated
  • Works collaboratively with counterparts from other civic agencies to identify opportunities for joint action on issues of mutual interest
  • Works co-operatively with external agencies and groups whose activities affect constituent communities
  • Engages in outreach to disseminate information and encourage participation from constituent communities

Meeting and administrative procedures

  • The Transportation Advisory Committee holds six regular meetings per year, in addition to working sessions generally scheduled during intervening months throughout the year.
  • Type A Advisory Committees may, at their discretion, establish sub-committees focused on relevant topics of interest, non-members may participate in sub-committees and attend regular meetings if invited.
  • A member who is absent from more than two consecutive regular meetings without a leave of absence is deemed to have resigned.


  • Type A Advisory Committee members and alternate members are eligible to receive reimbursement for certain meeting-related expenses.
  • Non-member subcommittee participants are not eligible to receive reimbursement.
  • A light meal will be provided to Type A Advisory Committee members attending in-person regular meetings held over lunch or dinner hours.


Persons appointed to a Type A Advisory Committee shall meet the following essential criteria:

  • Not be employed by the City of Vancouver
  • Live or work in Vancouver, or have a significant body of experience with issues related to the mandate of the advisory body in Vancouver
  • Have connections to relevant communities, groups, and/or organizations in Vancouver
  • Be able to demonstrate relevant experience or knowledge, abilities, and skills related to the mandate of the advisory body
  • Be able to work in a team environment with intercultural sensitivity

Term limit

Beginning in 2019, no member of the public shall serve for more than eight consecutive years on the same Type A Advisory Committee. A former member is eligible for reappointment after one year of non-membership.

Terms of Reference


Appointment end December 31, 2025

  • Jarred Anderson
  • Luke Bailey
  • Jamie Banks
  • Zachary Bennett
  • Marlene Chow
  • Caryn Duncan
  • Anthony Floyd
  • Kareem Hassib
  • Karthi Karunakaran
  • Stephanie Mak
  • Jessie Rehwald
  • Jennifer Siddon


  • Council Liaison: Councillor Kirby-Yung and Councillor Dominato
  • Park Board Commissioner Liaison: Commissioner Angela Haer
  • Staff Liaisons: Chris Darwent, Associate Director, Transportation Design and Katherine Glowacz, Associate Director, Community Transportation
  • Vancouver Police Liaison: Inspector Ken Athans 

Terms and Membership Composition

Persons appointed to a Type A Advisory Committee shall meet the following essential criteria:

  • Not be employed by the City of Vancouver;
  • Live or work in Vancouver, or have a significant body of experience with issues related to the mandate of the advisory body in Vancouver;
  • Have connections to relevant communities, groups, and/or organizations in Vancouver;
  • Be able to demonstrate relevant experience or knowledge, abilities and skills related to the mandate of the advisory body.
  • Be able to work in a team environment with intercultural sensitivity.


  • Up to 12 members of the public (quorum is a majority of appointed members), representing all modes of transportation;
  • Up to 2 non-voting Council liaisons (appointed by Mayor);
  • Up to 2 non-voting staff liaisons (appointed by City Manager);
  • 1 non-voting Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioner liaison and/or staff liaison (optional);
  • 1 non-voting Vancouver School Board Trustee liaison (optional);
  • 1 non-voting Vancouver Public Library staff liaison (optional);
  • 1 non-voting Vancouver Police Department staff liaison (optional).

Length of term:

  • Term ends immediately before the first Monday after November 1 in the year of a general local election. However, no regular meeting shall be held between the last day of the nomination period and general voting day.
  • Members are appointed until December 31, 2024, at which point appointments are automatically renewable to the end of the term, and recruitment shall be conducted to fill any vacancies arising.
  • Beginning in 2019, no member of the public shall serve in more than eight consecutive years on the same Type A Advisory Committee. A former member is eligible for reappointment after one year of non-membership.


Meetings, agendas, and minutes

All regular meetings are open to the public.

In addition to the regular meetings listed here, the Committee also meets several times per year for informal working sessions. Please contact the Meeting Coordinator for more information.

Meetings take place on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm at City Hall.

2023-2026 Work Plan

The 2023-2024 Work Plan summarizes the high priority objectives for the committee term and establishes an action plan to achieve those objectives.

2021-2022 in Review

An overview of the committee's accomplishments in 2021-2022, along with future goals. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no Council of Councils event was held.
View the Committee's report (pdf)

2021-2022 Work Plan

The 2021-2022 Work Plan summarizes the high priority objectives for the committee term and establishes an action plan to achieve those objectives.

2019-2020 in Review

An overview of the committee's accomplishments in 2019-2020, along with future goals. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no Council of Councils event was held.

2016 in Review

An overview of the committee's 2016 accomplishments and future goals as presented at the Council of Council's on November 9, 2016.

2012-2014 Term in Review

An overview of the committee's closing term accomplishments and recommendations for continuation of the work was presented at the Council of Council's December 2014.

Resources for Civic Agency members

People-powered transportation in Vancouver

Greenways for walking, cycling, and rolling

We design and build safe, nature-rich paths that encourage you to explore Vancouver without using your car through the Greenways program.

Staff Contacts

Staff Liaison

Chris Darwent, Associate Director, Transportation Design

Katherine Glowacz, Associate Director, Community Transportation

*Contact the Staff Liaison for subject matter expertise and information on City programs, services, and initiatives.

Meeting Clerk

David Yim


*Contact the Clerk for information on meetings, schedules, agendas, minutes, correspondence, and procedure.