Unverified tender results

New online supplier portal

We have implemented an online Supplier Portal to facilitate public posting of procurement opportunities, as well as to enable online submission of tenders, proposals, bids, and responses from suppliers and service providers.

From May 16, 2022, new procurement opportunities will be posted on Business Opportunities page of the portal, including unverified tender results.

These tender results are unverified and were posted prior to determining compliancy or completing any evaluation process. Each response is subject to a review and evaluation in accordance with the criteria stated in the competitive bid documents. Conclusions should not be drawn from this information about the final ranking of the tenders. 

After the closing time, we will:

  • Open the tenders
  • Post the company names and total or lump sum price for each tender that has been received up to the closing time

Posting results began in September 2016.

 The final price and ranking of the tenders may change due to the inclusion or exclusion of provisional items.


Solicitation # Description Document
PS20220549  ITT – Contractor services for re-roofing of Collingwood Neighbourhood House Unverified tender amounts (112 KB)
PS20220548  ITT – Contractor for the Britannia Arena condenser replacement  Unverified tender amounts (84 KB)
PS20211096  FCEC LCE Overall Plant Expansion Unverified tender amounts (147 KB)
PS20210388  Construction services for sewer separation - West 49th Avenue Unverified tender amounts (84 KB)
PS20220112   Contractor for the remediation of the Southlands Tide Gates Unverified tender amounts (85 KB)
PS20220421 Contractor services for Langara Golf Clubhouse roof replacement Unverified tender amounts (120 KB)
PS20220486 Contractor services for re-roofing of Dunbar Community Centre gym and entrance Unverified tender amounts (121 KB)