Zero waste pop-up event staff

Zero Waste: Consultation process and documents


  • May 2016

    Council motion to approve creation of strategy

  • 2016

    Draft the strategy framework

    • What we did: Drafted the vision, defined the strategic approach, and set objectives
    • Who we consulted with: Industry experts, other levels of government, residents, and businesses
    • What we created based on feedback: Initial consultation summary
  • 2017

    Identify opportunities and evaluate directions

    • What we're doing: Identifying opportunities, and evaluating directions and roles
    • Who we're consulting with: Industry experts, other levels of government, residents, and businesses
  • 2018

    Refine directions and roles, and report to City Council

    • What we'll do: Refine directions and roles, and draft strategy
    • Who we'll consult with: Industry experts, other levels of government, residents, and businesses
    • What we'll create: Final consultation summary and Zero Waste 2040 report
  • May 16, 2018

    Zero Waste 2040 Strategic Plan approved by Council

  • We are here