Child playing

Recreational activities

Choose from a wide variety of sport, fitness, arts, education, and social activities for all ages and skill levels. You can join a class, register for a program, or just drop in to a facility near you.

Register for recreation programs and services

Our registration and reservation system is easy to navigate and helps you plan, track, and manage all your recreation requests in one place.

Make your online registration experience more enjoyable. Get registration tips.

Online registration is not available for RayCam Co-operative Centre. Please register for programs in-person.

Register for activities


Stay healthy and active, keep socially connected, engage with your community, and learn new skills online.

Swimming and water activities

Find swim lessons, pool schedules, lifeguard training, aquafit classes, and other water activities at pools and water parks.

Ice skating

Vancouver has many opportunities to learn and enjoy ice skating. Some indoor rinks have ice available all year.


Book tee times online for Fraserview, Langara, and McLeary golf courses.

Passes, gift cards, and discounts available

Passes, discounts, and gift cards

Learn how you can save money on Park Board programs and services with fitness passes, group rates, low-income discounts, and gift cards.

Our facilities

Community centres

We operate 24 community centres. Find out where they are and what programs and services they offer.

Swimming pools

We have nine indoor and five outdoor seasonal pools. View their locations, features, and amenities.

Ice rinks

We have 8 indoor ice rinks. Find their locations, features, and amenities.

Fitness centres

Find information about our 25 fitness centres; their services, amenities, equipment, costs, location, and more.