Social activities

Social actvities at Vancouver community centres

Join a bridge table, bingo game, mah jong, book club, karaoke, day trip, knitting circle and more. You can also book a room, gym, or pool for your own party.

Some of the most popular activities are listed below. You can find other social activities on individual community centre pages, or search social activities.

Register for recreation programs and services

Our registration and reservation system is easy to navigate and helps you plan, track, and manage all your recreation requests in one place.

If you are a new user, setting up your account is easy with an email address. Just create a password, complete your profile, and you’re ready to go.

Register for activities

Popular social events and programs

Birthday parties

Celebrate your child's birthday at a favourite pool, rink, gym, or community centre. Book the Play Palace, bouncy castle, climbing wall, and more.

Card, board, and electronic games

Meet friends and neighbours over a game of bingo, bridge, whist, cribbage, or Mahjong. Sharpen your chess skills, practise your gaming.

Games room

Come out and socialize over a table tennis, billiards, air hockey, or foosball game. Watch a movie, play a board game. Events for all ages.

Social, festivals, and events

Join the fun when your community centre brings you live music, carnivals, field games, film screenings, potluck picnics, markets, and more.

Tours and day trips

Explore in and around Vancouver in a group. Watch the fireworks, go bowling, learn dragonboating, or ride a gondola. Excursions for all ages.


Be a part of your community. Share your experience, help others, gain work experience, and meet new people when you volunteer in Vancouver.

Find a community or fitness centre

Community centres

We operate 24 community centres. Find out where they are and what programs and services they offer.

Fitness centres

Find information about our 25 fitness centres; their services, amenities, equipment, costs, location, and more.

Engaging people

Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

More about the Park Board