Art and cultural activities

Arts and cultural activities in Vancouver

Vancouver community and art centres offer a wide variety of arts and cultural actvities and programs.

Some of the most popular activities are listed below. You can find other arts and cultural activities on individual community or art centre pages. To take a class or join a program, search activities.

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Popular arts and cultural activities

Arts & Health

The Arts & Health Project offers seniors weekly arts workshops with a professional artist, an intern artist, and a seniors worker.

Dancing and dance residencies

Discover what moves you: ballet, ballroom, contemporary, hip hop, bhangra, and more. Explore courses, residency programs, studios, performances, and permitting.

Drawing, painting, and crafts

Find out about drawing, painting, and craft opportunities in Vancouver; take a drawing or painting course, learn to knit or crochet, watch artists at work, apply for an artist's permit, and more

Music and singing

Join a choir, learn a musical instrument, find out about busking and street entertainment, go to a show

Photography and film

Find out about photography opportunities in Vancouver; take a photography class, apply for a commercial photography permit, learn about upcoming photographys events

Poetry in Parks

Create poetry with professional, free-range poets in Vancouver parks as part of the Poetry in Parks pilot project "Fresh Local Poetry".

Pottery and ceramics

Find out about making pottery or working with ceramics in Vancouver; find pottery courses, learn about pottery studios


Learn to use power and hand tools to build projects using wood. The Roundhouse Community Centre offers a woodworking studio with a variety of power and hand tools where you can build your own furniture. Find out about woodworking lessons and drop-in opportunities.

Find a community or arts centre

Community centres

We operate 24 community centres. Find out where they are and what programs and services they offer.

Artist spaces and residencies

Find out how we support artists as well as create more artist spaces.

Integral to everyday life

Download the Vancouver Park Board Arts Policy

Read our mandate, vision, values, and policy statements around the arts.

Vancouver Park Board
Arts Policy (1.5 MB)

Parks and recreation for all

Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

About the Park Board