
Woodworking studio at the Roundhouse in Vancouver

Learn to use power and hand tools to build projects using wood. If you are an experienced woodworker, you can drop-in to use the tools and the studio space.

For your safety

To drop-in to use the studio and tools, you must first complete both a Woodworking Assessment Test (free) and a Woodworking Safety Orientation (fee applies). For details contact Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre.

Register for recreation programs and services

Our registration and reservation system is easy to navigate and helps you plan, track, and manage all your recreation requests in one place.

If you are a new user, setting up your account is easy with an email address. Just create a password, complete your profile, and you’re ready to go.

Register for activities

View drop-in schedules

Drop-in woodworking schedules

Find out where you can drop-in to a woodworking class at one of our community centres.

Find woodworking studios in Vancouver


Amenities at Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre include a theatre, exhibition hall, the turntable plaza, various studios, and more.

Woodworking Studio Equipment

Stationary power equipment

  • Drill press
  • Table saw
  • Chop saw
  • Jointer
  • Plainer
  • Mortiser
  • Sander
  • Band saw
  • Router table

Portable power tools

  • Drills
  • Sanders
  • Jig saw
  • Biscuit joiner
  • Router