Pick from a selection of recreational activities and games for children, adults, and seniors designed to encourage you to de-stress, have fun and re-connect with loved ones.
These activities can be done individually or enjoyed with family and friends while socially distancing.
Adults and seniors
Printable activities
Engage in this at home bingo game while social distancing and spending more time at home.
How to video conference PDF file (166 KB)
Instructions on how to video conference using Facebook messenger, Zoom, and Skype.
"I Spy" Candy Edition PDF file (510 KB)
A fun eye spy game to play with the family – can you spot the Vancouver Park Board logo?
Pixel landmarks PDF file (256 KB)
Can you figure out which Vancouver landmark is in the photo?
Printable activities
Coffee filter art PDF file (244 KB)
This art project is ideal for preschoolers and school aged children. Make planets with coffee filters and markers.
Frozen animal eggs PDF file (283 KB)
This sensory play can provide hours of fun for preschoolers and school aged children.
Happiest memory PDF file (259 KB)
Great for all ages and abilities, this activity extends positive vibes while nurturing happy memories.
Vancouver landmarks PDF file (361 KB)
Help kids recognize notable places and landmarks in the City of Vancouver by exploring simple geometric shapes.
Meaningful messages PDF file (97 KB)
Turn a fun walk with your family into an art activity with a meaningful message.