Pacific National Exhibition Board of Directors

The Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) is owned and managed by the City of Vancouver.

The mission of the PNE is to enrich the quality of life at Hastings Park by providing a wide range of family entertainment and events that invite guests to celebrate Vancouver's heritage, culture, and diverse communities within a vibrant urban public park.


The PNE Board of Directors' purpose is to ensure the continued success of the PNE, while working in harmony with the local and city-wide community, business, management and staff.

The board represents various interests in the City. The board has the power to:

  • Agree on the job description for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and undertake, as the need arises, a search to find the most qualified person for the position; establish remuneration for the CEO; and conduct an annual performance review.
  • Oversee the development and implementation of a PNE five-year Strategic Plan which reflects the direction established by the Hastings Park/PNE Master Plan, as adopted by Vancouver City Council.
  • Participate with the CEO in an annual planning process through the review and approval of the PNE annual plan, and ensure the plan has significant alignment with the strategic and annual plans of the City.
  • Review and approve the PNE operational plans, including an annual budget; review quarterly the financial performance of the PNE and make sure that efficient and adequate financial and management controls, information systems, and management practices are in place and maintained.
  • Approve capital requests for Hastings Park for submission to the City for approval.
  • Ensure accountabilities described in the Multi Party Operations Policy are met and reported on annually to the public and the City.
  • Oversee the identification of key risks and, through the CEO, implementation of appropriate systems to manage those risks.
  • In support of the PNE public relations and community relations strategies, support the CEO in articulating the organization’s mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public, as well as garnering support from important members of the community. This responsibility includes the development and implementation of a Board calendar that includes scheduled public meetings.
  • Ensure that the PNE fulfills its legal obligations and fully exercises all of its contractual and other legal rights and privileges.

The by-laws of the PNE govern and protect the business, borrowing, and issuing of securities, as well as the conduct and remuneration of directors and committees of the organization.

Meeting frequency

The board generally meets six times per year and three of those meetings will have a portion of the proceedings open to the public.

 NOTE: Board meetings are closed to the public unless otherwise specified.

Time commitment

Regular board meetings can take an entire working day. The three meetings that will have a portion of the proceedings open to the public, will commence in the afternoon and finish in the evening. In addition to these meetings, directors also attend a variety of special events. Most of these events take place in the late summer.


The Board of Directors consists of nine voting members. All members are appointed by Council for four-year terms, and include:

  • 1 City of Vancouver Councillor, to serve as Chair
  • The General Manager of the Vancouver Park Board, to serve as Vice-Chair
  • 3 City Employees
  • 4 Non-City (Independent) Directors

There is no recommended limit to the number of consecutive or outright terms to be served by City Councillor or City employee directors. There is a recommended limit of three consecutive terms interrupted by at least a one year period following three consecutive terms for any other category of director.

Prospective Members

To qualify for appointment as a director, an individual must be at least 18 years old, mentally sound, and not have declared bankruptcy.

Independent Directors are appointed for a four year term.

Board members will also have the following skills or expertise in one or more of these areas and collectively the Board will have the skills and experience for the effective governance of Hastings Park and the PNE:

  • Financial and Budget Management
  • Human Resources/Labour Relations
  • Legal/Regulatory
  • Parks Management and Development
  • Marketing Promotions and Communications
  • Sports and Recreation
  • Tourism Development
  • Arts, Culture, Events and Entertainment
  • Media and Public Relations
  • Large Facility Operations
  • Environmental Stewardship

Board of Directors


  • Councillor Mike Klassen (Chair)
  • Steve Jackson, General Manger, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation (Vice-Chair)
  • Colin Knight, General Manager, Finance, Risk, and Supply Chain Management (Treasurer)
  • Paul Mochrie, City Manager
  • Armin Amrolia, Deputy City Manager

Non-City (Independent) Directors

Terms to expire May 31, 2027:

  • Rachel Roy 
  • Ty Speer

Terms to expire May 31, 2025:

  • Maury Kask
  • Raj Sihota

Contact the PNE Board of Directors

Capturing the spirit & history of Vancouver

Pacific National Exhibition

No single location in Vancouver captures the spirit and history of this city, its people and its many achievements as the Pacific National Exhibition. For the past ten decades, the Pacific National Exhibition has showcased the best of Vancouver to the rest of Canada and the world.