Appointment ends November 1, 2026
- Anna Gibson (Public Art Committee Liaison)
Appointment ends November 1, 2026
- Diane Brown (Vancouver Civic Theatres Board Liaison)
Appointments end November 1, 2026
- Noor Abouchehade
- Joshua Beamish
- Mark Busse
- Hannah Cho
- Brent Constantine
- Ashley Daniel Foot
- Henry Lu
- Brian McBay
- Shora Parvaresh
- Kaile Shilling
Council Liaisons:
- Councillor Pete Fry
- Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung
Staff Liaison:
- Metha Brown, Social Planner III, Arts, Culture, and Community Service
Vancouver Public Library Liaison:
- Jorge Amigo, Head of Cultural Programming
Vancouver School Board Liaison:
Vancouver Park Board Liaison:
- Commissioner Brennan Bastyovanszky
Terms and Membership Composition
Persons appointed to a Type A Advisory Committee shall meet the following essential criteria:
- Not be employed by the City of Vancouver;
- Live or work in Vancouver, or have a significant body of experience with issues in Vancouver; and
- Be able to demonstrate relevant experience or knowledge, abilities and skills related to the mandate of the advisory body.
- Up to 12 members (quorum is a majority of appointed members), with ten appointed from the community and two appointed, one from each of:
- Public Art Committee
- Civic Theatres Board
- Up to 2 non-voting Council liaisons
- Up to 2 non-voting staff liaisons
- The appointment of civic members to each advisory committee shall meet the composition objectives set out in the Diversity on Advisory Bodies policy.
Length of term:
- Term ends immediately before the first Monday after November 1 in the year of a general local election. However, no regular meeting shall be held between the last day of the nomination period and general voting day.
- Members are appointed until November 1, 2026, at which point appointments are automatically renewable to the end of the term, and recruitment shall be conducted to fill any vacancies arising.
- Beginning in 2019, no member of the public shall serve in more than eight consecutive years on the same Type A Advisory Committee. A former member is eligible for reappointment after one year of non-membership.