Appeal your branch ranking

A process of ranking hired trucking drivers within their assigned branches is done on a yearly basis using the data from the daily Hired Equipment sheets.

The Engineering Services branch recognizes that depending on the order that a driver is ranked, it could significantly impact the amount of work they receive from the City.

We want to ensure that trucking and hauling service providers are treated fairly, that they have the opportunity to understand the reason for their ranking through assessments, and have the ability to bring forward their concerns through the appeals process.

The following process is to be followed when appealing your ranking.

First appeal step

The first appeal must be in writing to the Contracts Manager who will review the rationale for your branch ranking. Once the review is complete the Contract Manager will provide you outcome of the findings.

To submit your appeal in writing, email details of your appeal to the Contracts Manager at

Final appeal step

If the first appeal does not resolve concerns to your satisfaction, a final appeal can be made through the Office of the Director of Supply Chain Management.

This office is completely independent from Engineering Services and reviews contracts with the City. This will ensure your treatment is consistent with the manner in which all other service suppliers are treated by the City.

To submit your appeal in writing, please address to:

Director of Supply Chain Management
City Hall
435 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC 
V5Y 1V4

Appeal your daily rating

All of our hired trucking providers are rated daily for their performance by the engineering field supervisors. The Engineering Services Department recognizes negative daily performance assessments can affect your branch ranking.

The department wants to ensure that trucking and hauling service providers are treated fairly, that they have the opportunity to understand the reason for their daily rating through assessments, and to bring forward their concerns through the appeal process.

The following process is to be followed when appealing your daily rating.

First appeal step

The first appeal should be to the Superintendent 1 of the field supervisor that provided your daily performance assessment. The branch, Water, Sewer, or Streets, has prepared the assessment, and it has the best day-to-day knowledge of your work performance.  They should be able to provide a satisfactory response to your questions.

Daily rating appeals must be submitted by email no later than the following end of next business day.

If you do not know who the Superintendent 1 is, you must contact the Branch Equipment Superintendent.

Second appeal step

If you are not satisfied with the response to your first appeal, or feel you are being treated unfairly, please submit a brief written explanation of your concerns to the Contract Manager.

To submit your appeal in writing, email details of your appeal to the Contract Manager at

Final appeal step

If the second appeal does not resolve concerns to your satisfaction, a final appeal is through the Office of the Director of Supply Chain Management.

This office is completely independent from Engineering Services and deals with the majority of supply contracts with the City. This will ensure your treatment is consistent with the manner in which all other service suppliers are treated by the City.

To submit your appeal in writing, please address to:

Director of Supply Chain Management
City Hall
435 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC 
V5Y 1V4

Day-to-day practices

The above appeal process is intended to provide vendors with the specific information and independent review needed to ensure that the treatment in providing service to the City is fair and consistent.

In day-to-day practice, it is generally intended that the hiring of trucking and haulage service providers be based on performance shown by the established branch rankings.

Due to the nature of our work, there will be occasions when some hiring or job assignments may occur out of order due to the needs of a branch on a particular day but in most cases we will follow the selection process.

The payments to each hired trucking firm and their ranking in their branch is compared from time to time, and this comparison demonstrates that, over time, payments are generally in line with a branch’s ranking. However, if owners and operators are aware of repetitive dispatching issues that are not consistent with the approved process, they should email the Branch Equipment Superintendent.

All complaints are investigated thoroughly and it takes a considerable amount of our time.

For this reason, we are expecting to hear about significant infractions or a misuse of the system on an on-going basis.

If the investigation of a complaint results in no evidence supporting the claim or the complaint is of minimal importance, the complaining vendor will be contacted about what we consider to be a reasonable request.

Important complaints will be investigated but repeated petty or unfounded complaints may result in the City invoicing the complainant for the time used investigating the complaint.

Read our Supplier Code of Conduct