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Recent City initiatives and awards
Greenest City Action Plan annual implementation updates
2019 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
July 23, 2019 - Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver achieved a 53% sustainable transportation mode split, and measured a 12% decrease in Vancouver's carbon pollution since 2007.
- Read the implementation update for 2018-2019 PDF file (2.5 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file PDF file (12 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2018 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
July 25, 2018 - Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver achieved a 53% increase in neighbourhood food assets since 2010, and measured a 20% decrease in Vancouver’s ecological footprint since 2006.
- Read the implementation update for 2017-2018 PDF file (6.5 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (7.3 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2017 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
June 27, 2017 - Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver achieved a 49% increase in green and local food jobs since 2010, and measured further decreases in distance driven by residents, and solid waste sent to landfill and incinerator.
- Read the implementation update for 2016-2017 PDF file (2.0 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (7.1 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2016 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
July 12, 2016 – Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver achieved a 15% reduction in greenhouse gases since 2007, and measured further increases in walking and cycling trips.
- Read the implementation update for 2015-2016 PDF file (8 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (5.7 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2015 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
June 23, 2015 – Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver reached two Green Transportation targets: mode share and vehicle kilometres driven.
- Read the implementation update for 2014-2015 PDF file (2 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (2.8 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2014 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
July 9, 2014 – Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that Vancouver reached a remarkable six per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) since 2007. In the same period, the population grew five per cent and jobs increased seven per cent.
- Read the implementation update for 2013 - 2014 PDF file (4.7 MB)
- View the Council presentation PDF file (9 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2013 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
July 9, 2013 – Vancouver City Council received an annual progress update on the implementation of the Greenest City Action Plan. Council heard that the City has achieved a four per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 2007, while Vancouver’s economy and population both grew significantly.
- Read the implementation update for 2012-2013 PDF file (6.6 MB)
- Review the action plan goals and targets
2012 progress update on Greenest City Action Plan
October 16, 2012 – The City released the 2011-2012 Implementation Update, which describes the progress that has been made over the past year toward achieving the goals of the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan.
City initiatives that support the action plan
Council approves Vancouver Bird Strategy
January 20, 2015 – Council approved the Bird Strategy Initiatives and Design Guidelines which supports our access to nature target.
- Read the Council report "Vancouver Bird Strategy Initiatives and Design Guidelines" PDF file (90 KB)
- Read the Council meeting minutes PDF file (80 KB)
Council approves Healthy City Strategy Phase 1
October 29, 2014 – Council approved Phase 1 of A Healthy City for All: Healthy City Strategy 2014-2025. The strategy closely relates to the Greenest City Action Plan's goals for local food, access to nature, and green transportation.
Reducing energy-based greenhouse gas emissions from existing buildings
June 25, 2014 – Council approved the Energy Retrofit Strategy for Existing Buildings to guide City efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy use in existing buildings. The strategy aims to reduce these emissions in Vancouver by 20 per cent from 2007 levels by 2020.
Updated energy requirements for rezoning policies
June 25, 2014 – Council passed revisions to the General Policy for Higher Buildings and Green Building Policy for Rezonings. These updates better align the City's green building policies and its neighbourhood energy objectives.
Heritage Action Plan will lead to greater reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste, including for demolished pre-1940s homes
June 10, 2014 – Council approved stricter requirements to reuse and recycle demolition waste from one- and two-family homes built before 1940. The requirements will encourage reuse of character features and reduce waste.
Council also adopted, in principle, the Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion Strategy that will lead to greater reuse and recycling of waste materials from construction and demolition.
City proposes new energy recovery centre
December 3, 2013 – The City of Vancouver submitted a proposal to Metro Vancouver to provide a site for a potential new non-incineration resource and energy recovery centre.
Progress on green buildings target with updated Building Bylaw
September 25, 2013 – Council approved the 2014 version of the Vancouver Building Bylaw. Starting March 20, 2014, new one- and two-family homes will need to meet increased energy-efficiency requirements: improved insulation, air-tightness, and high efficiency heating systems. Also, buildings under renovation will need energy audits and minor upgrades. By 2020, the City is aiming for all new buildings to be carbon neutral in operations.
Council approves the completion of the Seaside Greenway
July 29, 2013 – Vancouver City Council approved the completion of the 28 km Seaside Greenway between Jericho Beach Park and Trafalgar Street, including making Point Grey Road west of Macdonald Street a local street. Council also approved the new York Bikeway from Stephens Street to Seaforth Park. This initiative contributes to the Greenest City Action Plan and Transportation 2040 Plan supporting walking and cycling in Vancouver.
- Read the Council report PDF file (7 MB)
- View the staff presentation PDF file (12 MB)
- Watch the video clips: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6
Cycling and walking improvements approved for Burrard Street Bridge
July 24, 2013 – Council approved recommended improvements to the south end of the Burrard Bridge that will:
- Address a cycling collision hotspot by reducing speed and volumes between Burrard and Cypress Streets
- Help transfer traffic volumes to nearby existing routes and reduce volumes along Cornwall Avenue and Point Grey Road where walking and cycling volumes are expected to increase
- Decrease the travel time for pedestrians and cyclists through the intersection by reducing the maximum number of crossings
- Reduce the footprint of the intersection and provide additional land that could be used for other City initiatives
For more detailed information:
Public bike share to launch in early 2014
July 23, 2013 – Vancouver City Council approved budget and the contract for Public Bike Share. In early 2014, residents and visitors will be able to enjoy access to shared-use bicycles. This initiative contributes to the Greenest City Action Plan and Transportation 2040 Plan supporting cycling in Vancouver.
Rezoning policy revised to make large developments more sustainable
May 16, 2013 – Vancouver City Council approved a revised Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments. This policy helps to achieve several innovative sustainable features on developments that are large in terms of site size (larger than 8000 square meters) and/or development floor area (larger than 45,000 square meters).
Hundreds participate in consultation to improve walking and cycling on Point Grey Road and Cornwall Avenue
April 15, 2013 – The Point Grey Road-Cornwall Avenue Corridor Active Transportation Project proposes creating a safe, convenient and comfortable connection for pedestrians and cyclists between Burrard Bridge and Jericho Beach. The City completed Phase 1 consultation for Point Grey-Cornwall Avenue Active Transportation Corridor on February 28. Over 500 people attended the open houses and over 1,300 people completed the questionnaire online to share their thoughts on this project.
- Learn more about the Point Grey Road-Cornwall Avenue Corridor Active Transportation Project
- Read the April 2013 consultation summary report PDF file (306 KB)
Greenest City Funds 150 projects in first year
February 12, 2013 – Helping families connect to nature near their home. Making small Vancouver businesses more energy efficient. Holding bike skills courses for low-income individuals. Creating a sustainable, community-supported fishery for Vancouver. These are just a few of the 150 projects supported in the first year of the Greenest City Fund. Check out the update that was brought to Council:
- Read the staff presentation PDF file (1.95 MB)
- View the video
- Read about the Greenest City Fund with the Vancouver Foundation External website, opens in new tab
Vancouver Food Strategy approved
January 30, 2013 – Council approved Vancouver's Food Strategy, which builds upon years of work the City has done together with the Vancouver Food Policy Council. This strategy will help Vancouver integrate the full spectrum of urban food system issues within a single policy framework that includes urban agriculture, food processing, distribution, access, and food waste management.
- Read the Food Strategy PDF file (14.3 MB)
- Read the Council report PDF file (143 KB)
- Visit the Food Strategy webpage
Comox-Helmcken Greenway to increase walking and cycling connections Downtown
December 12, 2012 – The Comox-Helmcken Greenway is approved by Council. This greenway is part of the Transportation 2040 Plan's All Ages and Abilities Cycling Network. As part of the City Greenway and Regional Greenway network, the Comox-Helmcken Greenway will connect Stanley Park to False Creek and provide an important east-west walking and cycling connection through downtown to complement the seawall and the network of downtown separated bike lanes.
- View the staff presentation PDF file (9.37 MB)
- Read the Council report PDF file (1.66 MB)
- Learn more about the Comox-Helmcken Greenway
Council approves 30-year transportation plan
October 30, 2012 – After two years of extensive consultation, and with the engagement of over 18,000 citizens, Vancouver City Council voted to approve the new Transportation 2040 plan, an ambitious and balanced framework for Vancouver's transportation future.
New neighbourhood energy strategy to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
October 3, 2012 – Council approved a new neighbourhood energy strategy to target areas of the city with the greatest carbon reduction potential. This included actions that enable low-carbon conversions of existing steam heat systems at Vancouver hospitals and Central Heat Distribution Ltd., and new systems in areas where there is high-density development. The strategy will contribute to about a tenth of the greenhouse gas reductions (approximately 120,000 tonnes) needed to meet the City's leadership goal.
- View the staff presentation to Council PDF file (2.70 MB)
- Read the staff policy report that recommends the neighbourhood energy strategy PDF file (483 KB)
All houses and duplexes can now recycle food scraps
September 11, 2012 – The City's expanded residential food scraps recycling program rolled out across the entire city. All residents who live in houses and duplexes can now put all types of food scraps into their green bins, including meats, fish, bones, dairy, breads, cooked foods, and yard waste.
- Read about the Green Bin food scraps program
City creates strategy to adapt to climate change
July 25, 2012 – Vancouver has become the first Canadian municipality to adopt a comprehensive climate change adaptation strategy based on the proven Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) planning framework.
- Read the news release
New Greenest City Fund to support green community projects
April 25, 2012 – The City, in partnership with the Vancouver Foundation, launched the Greenest City Fund, which will support green ideas generated and implemented by the community over the next four years.
New Greenest City Fund to support green community projects
April 25, 2012 – The City, in partnership with the Vancouver Foundation, launched the Greenest City Fund, which will support green ideas generated and implemented by the community over the next four years.
Computers used by staff to consume less electricity
March 5, 2012 – The City adopted a new green desktop program, that will automatically put every staff member's computer to "sleep" after 20 minutes of inactivity. This green operations initiative will save $30,000 a year in electricity.
Awards and recognition
We're the 2015 Earth Hour National Champion!
February 20, 2015 – Vancouver has been recognized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as the 2015 Earth Hour National Champion! WWF's Earth Hour City Challenge highlights the work of global cities around sustainability. Vancouver last won the award in 2013.
- Read the media release
City of Vancouver receives Green Champion Award
June 5, 2014 – The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) honoured the City as a Green Champion at its annual conference and trade show. The City was recognized in the municipal category of the “Best Green Building Policy”. Greener building practices are a central goal of the Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan.
- Read the media release
- Learn about our progress on the green buildings Greenest City goal
Vancouver wins Federation of Community Municipalities Sustainable Communities Award
February 12, 2014 – The City was awarded a Sustainable Communities Award (Transportation) for our electric vehicle program by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
- Discover how we support infrastructure for and use of electric vehicles
- Learn about the Sustainable Communities Awards External website, opens in new tab
Vancouver wins Best Overall Policy in Global Leadership Award
November 20, 2013 – Vancouver was awarded the Best Green Building Policy for the Greenest City Action Plan by the World Green Building Council.
For more detailed information:
- Read the media release
City recognized as a green employer, second year running
April 22, 2013 – The City of Vancouver was recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers for the second year in a row by the editors of Canada's Top 100 Employers. This award honours organizations with a culture of environmental awareness, where thinking green guides how they operate today and plan for tomorrow.
- Find out why we won External website, opens in new tab
- Learn about the Canada's Greenest Employers award External website, opens in new tab
City named international champion in Earth Hour City Challenge
March 19, 2013 – The distinguished Earth Hour City Challenge jury recognized the City of Vancouver as the international champion. The city challenge, created by World Wildlife Fund (WWF), celebrates cities that are taking amazing steps towards a 100% renewable future. The City also joins millions in celebrating WWF's Earth Hour on March 23, 2013 from 8:30 to 9:30pm.
- Read the 2013 Earth Hour Proclamation PDF file (261 KB)
- Learn about WWF Earth Hour External website, opens in new tab
Greenest City Action Plan wins the City a Sustainable Communities Award
February 8, 2012 – The City accepted a prestigious national award today, when the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) named Vancouver a winner of a 2012 FCM Sustainable Communities Award for the City’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan (GCAP).