How extreme weather affects us

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  • Poses a risk to physical and mental health
  • Stresses our plants and trees
  • Can damage infrastructure
  • Can negatively impact outdoor work, recreation, and tourism

Vancouver's extreme weather 

In Vancouver, we are already experiencing climate change as more intense and frequent extreme weather events.

Drier, hotter summers with more days above 30 degrees Celsius are becoming the new normal. During other seasons, studies show that rainfall intensity has already increased by about 30% since 1950 and could intensify by another 30% by 2100.

Learn about local changes to our climate (414 KB)

Stay safe in extreme weather


Stay safe in heat

Extreme heat, which is associated with poor air quality, can have significant impacts to human health.

Protect our drinking water

Drier, hotter summers will mean more pressure on our limited potable water supply. Find out when you can water.

Protect your air quality

Wildfire smoke can affect your health. Learn how to reduce your exposure and protect your health.


Stay safe in ice and snow

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures may increase your risk of illness or injury. Protect your health during winter conditions.

Be ready for flooding

Know how to report, minimize, and prevent flooding to your property and in your community.

Get emergency prepared

Learn how to make a plan, prepare your home, and build your emergency kit.

Take action in your community

Be a climate hero

Learn about local climate action and find opportunities to get involved:

Adopt a catch basin

Catch basins are our first line of defence when it comes to protecting local streets from flooding. Sign up to adopt a catch basin in your neighbourhood.

Person shovelling snow

Become a snow angel

Snow and ice can make getting around difficult and dangerous for seniors and people with limited mobility. Help a neighbour in need, become a snow angel.

Community volunteer

Help reduce waste

Help Vancouver become a zero waste community by 2040.

Green roof at the Vancouver Convention Centre

Rethinking our city

The world is warming faster than at any point in recorded history and human activities are the main driver of climate change.

The good news is that Vancouver has mitigation strategies to reduce the momentum of climate change like the Climate Emergency Action Plan aimed at reducing carbon pollution. We also have strategies like the Climate Adaptation Strategy to help our city and residents better adapt to climate change.

Mitigating climate change

Drawing of Vancouver buildings and bridge

Climate Emergency Action Plan

Built off past climate plans, here's our roadmap for cutting carbon pollution from our biggest local sources and making it easier for you to live a carbon-free life.

Transitioning to zero emission buildings

Nearly 60% of all emissions in Vancouver come from burning natural gas for heat and hot water.

Changing how we move

Our goals is to ensure 90% of residents live within an easy walk or roll of their daily needs by 2030, and cut carbon pollution in the process.

Implementing low carbon renewable energy

Neighbourhood energy utilities reduce the use of fossil fuels and provide environmentally-friendly, affordable heat and hot water.


Adapting to climate change

Sea water flooding pier

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Adapting to climate change means understanding what climate we are likely to experience in the future, and creating proactive plans that take advantage of opportunities and ensure we're prepared. 

Bringing nature into the city

Green rainwater infrastructure naturally cleans and absorbs rain, preventing local flooding and protecting water quality.

Child looking a drainage pipe in park-like setting

Adapting our drainage systems for climate change

We need to renew and rethink our drainage systems to protect water quality and prepare for increased pressures from climate change and growth.

Adapting for sea level rise

We are planning for sea level rise and flood-related events to prevent impacts of major catastrophes and avoid major costs down the road.

Key plans