What you need to know
When it's summer in Vancouver and the days get hotter, take steps to protect your health. Heat, especially extreme heat, can be harmful.
- Cooling centres
- Where to keep cool
- What we do to help you
- Heat-related illness
- Protect yourself during hot weather
- Get the Alertable app to receive public safety alerts
- Find translated resources
(English | Français | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Tagalog | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | Tiếng Việt | فارسی | Español | 한국어 | Português | 日本語 )
Note Check on others frequently to ensure they are safe, especially older adults, people with chronic illness, people living alone, and vulnerable neighbours.
Cooling centres
When it’s hot out, it’s important to spend time in air-conditioned spaces, such as a friend’s house, shopping mall or neighbourhood organization.
Some community centres and most public library branches have air-conditioned spaces. These facilities become cooling centres when Environment Canada issues a heat warning or declares an extreme heat emergency.
You don't need to register, pay, or show identification to visit a cooling centre. Seating, water, and access to washrooms are available at these locations. You can also head to an air-conditioned space in your community such as a shopping mall or neighbourhood organization.
Note All community centre cooling centres will accept well-behaved pets except for Evelyne Saller Centre and Carnegie Community Centre. Pets are not permitted at library cooling centres.
Use our map to find cooling centres, misting stations, spray parks, wading pools, and more.
What we do to help you
During the summer season, regular services are available to residents to enjoy the hot weather. When hot weather becomes dangerous, we add services to help protect health and safety.
Heat-related illness
Hot weather, especially prolonged heat or extreme heat, can cause heat illness. Symptoms of heat illness can range from mild to severe and occur when your body is unable to cool itself.
Checking on people may be life-saving
Check on vulnerable neighbours and older adults multiple times a day, especially in the evening. Indoor temperatures over 26 degrees Celsius can be dangerous to some. More than brief exposure to indoor temperatures 31 degrees Celsius and above can be dangerous for many people.
Protect yourself during hot weather
The best way to stay safe in the summer heat is to spend time in a cool space and drink plenty of water. Get tips to stay cool at home and outside of the home.
Translated and partner resources
Review and share translated resources to help you and your family, neighbours, community, and tenants stay safe during hot weather.
( English | Français | 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Tagalog | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | Tiếng Việt | فارسی | Español | 한국어 | Português | 日本語 )