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Updated June 22, 2022.

Hot weather news

More snow on its way to Vancouver - City encourages essential travel and reminds residents how to stay safe

January 16 2024 - With a second blast of snow headed to Vancouver, City crews are busy preparing roads and planning for a full-scale response.

City reminding residents of supports during first winter snow event

January 11 2024 - With freezing temperatures and snow in Vancouver, the City is working to help keep residents safe on streets, sidewalks and bikeways.

City ready to support residents for first blast of winter

January 10 2024 - With freezing temperatures and the possibility of snow headed to Vancouver, we are ready to help keep residents safe.

Be prepared for possible flooding tomorrow

December 26 2022 - An exceptionally high tide and high winds are being forecast with moderate to elevated flooding risk for some coastal areas.

With snow tonight and freezing rain, City advises to stay off roads

December 22 2022 - City crews have been applying salt and brine treatments for the coming snow while cleaning up snow accumulations from the recent snowfall.

City opening warming centres and preparing for season’s first significant snowfall

November 28 2022 - With snow and freezing temperatures in the forecast, we are opening opening additional indoor spaces for people experiencing homelessness.

City ready to support residents as another cold winter approaches

November 9 2022 - We have a robust strategy to deal with snow and ice, and to support those in need of shelter this winter.

Windstorm weather response and public safety update

November 5 2022 - Following a windstorm late Friday and early Saturday morning, we're working to address downed trees and health and safety issues for residents.

Watering restrictions start May 1

April 20 2023 - Starting on May 1, seasonal regulations go into effect limiting lawn watering to one day per week for Vancouver homes and businesses.

Adopt and name a catch basin this fall

November 3 2023 - Heavy rain, combined with falling leaves and other debris, can clog catch basins, leading to flooding and ponding in our streets.