A zero-emissions building

Zero emissions buildings

Zoning amendments to support the Climate Emergency Response

As of January 1, 2022, new low-rise residential buildings require zero emissions equipment for heating, and additional roof insulation.

A zero emissions building (ZEB) is highly energy efficient and uses only renewable energy.

We plan to transition to zero emissions buildings in all new construction by 2030. To achieve this, we're setting limits on emissions and energy use in new buildings, and will reduce these limits over time.


Net Zero applications

We're accepting enquiries and applications for relaxations and exclusions under the CHBA Net Zero Home Label starting February 28, 2023, for applicant teams with relevant accreditations.

The applicant team must include a person who has the Qualified Net Zero Builder accreditation. Alternately, the applicant team must include a person who has a current Certified Passive House Consultant or Certified Passive House Designer accreditation.

Review details and submission requirements (477 KB)

Energize Vancouver

Energize Vancouver is our multi-year initiative to reduce the carbon pollution produced by existing commercial and multi-family buildings.

Energy resources and programs for existing detached homes

To achieve our Climate Emergency Action Plan targets we need to retrofit existing homes to reduce emissions to zero before 2050.

High performance building standards

Learn about high performance buildings that meet Passive House and Net Zero Energy certified standards.

Building catalyst tools

Learn how zero emissions buildings can be eligible for a 5% increase in floor space ratio.

Multi-family building energy resources and programs

Depending on its size, your multi-family building may be eligible for a range of utility programs, incentives, and rebates.

Embodied carbon

Development by-laws, policies, and guidelines

Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL)


Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx)

ZEBx is a centre of excellence to increase knowledge, capacity, and passion for cost-effective and low energy buildings.

Learn more and sign up for updates