What you need to know
On June 29, 2022, Council adopted the Capital Plan 2023-2026 which allocated the multi-year budget for the three heritage grant programs to continue supporting citywide heritage conservation for another four-year term:
We fund 3 grants to support heritage conservation citywide and help preserve heritage buildings and assets in Vancouver.
What's happeningThe 2024 Heritage Incentive Program's Expression of Interest is now closed.
Stay tuned for the 2025 submission cycle.
Heritage Facade Rehabilitation
The Heritage Facade Rehabilitation grant program is open all year-round.
Heritage Incentive Program
The Heritage Incentive Program provides grants up to a maximum of $4-million per building for heritage conservation and seismic upgrades of buildings that are:
- Listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register and legally protected by a heritage designation bylaw
- Privately owned commercial and non-commercial buildings, including by non-profits
- Constructed primarily of unreinforced masonry, including when combined with heavy-timber post-and-beam, structural steel, unreinforced concrete, or other historic period structural assemblies
How to apply
- Review the Policies and Procedures PDF file (547 KB)
- Review the Step-by-Step Guide on Preparing to Complete the Epression of Interest Form PDF file (761 KB)
- Complete the expression of interest form. You have the option to save your progress by clicking "save and continue" on the top-right corner of the survey.
Key dates
- Expressions of interest are due Friday, July 26, 2024
- Development permit application documentation deadline TBD
Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program
The Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program provides grants of up to $50,000 for the rehabilitation and seismic stabilization of the façades of registered heritage buildings.
Eligible work includes ground floor storefront conservation and seismic stabilization of major architectural components, as well as conservation of building envelope materials, windows, doors, historic signs and awnings, and architectural lighting.
Buildings eligible for funding must be:
- Listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register
- Privately owned commercial and non-commercial buildings, including by non-profits
- Constructed primarily of unreinforced masonry
How to apply
- Review the Policies and Procedures PDF file (135 KB)
- Review the Step-by-Step Guide on Preparing to Complete the Application Form PDF file (756 KB)
- Complete the application form. You have the option to save your progress by clicking "save and continue" on the top-right corner of the survey.
Heritage Conservation Grants Program
The Heritage Conservation Grants Program supports conservation of privately owned single- or two-family homes, small apartment buildings, multi-family conversions, or similar buildings that are primarily wood-framed.
This program is managed by Vancouver Heritage Foundation External web site, opens in new tab.
How to apply
Visit the Vancouver Heritage Foundation External website, opens in new tab website for details.
Contact us
Email: heritagegrants@vancouver.ca
Heritage Incentive Program
Elijah Sabadlan
Email: elijah.sabadlan@vancouver.ca
Phone: 604-873-7056
Facade Rehabilitation Program
James Boldt
Email: james.boldt@vancouver.ca
Phone: 604-873-9260
Heritage Conservation Grants Program
Meghan Lenz, Grant Programs Manager
Email: meghan@vancouverheritagefoundation.org
Phone: 604-264-9642 ext. 6