Report a pet incident, including dog bites and attacks

A City of Vancouver animal control officer with a dog next to a van

Dog bites and attacks

If you or your pet is involved in an dog bite or attack:

  1. Exchange contact information with the other pet owner
  2. Seek medical help
  3. Report the incident to us as soon as possible to ensure everyone's safety

Report a dog bite or attack

Provide as much detail as possible, including:

  • What happened?
  • When and where did it happen? Do you have an exact address?
  • What does the dog look like?
  • What is the contact information of the dog owner and any witnesses?
  • Do you have photos of injuries, before and after treatment, that include date information?
  • Was there any hair removed, bruising, torn clothing, or broken collars?
  • When did you document the incident?

Report incident

You’ll receive a tracking number which you can use to follow up in our Van311 app.

How we respond

We’ll respond after receiving your report and, if needed, begin an investigation. Every situation is unique and may take varying amounts of time to resolve. We prioritize cases where a person’s or animal’s safety is at risk. During investigations, we protect the privacy of everyone involved. The City’s bylaw prosecutor will review the investigation findings and, if appropriate, our recommendation to press charges.

Report dog issues

Make an online complaint about a dog in Vancouver.

Contact Animal Services

1280 Raymur Ave
Vancouver, BC V6A 3L8

Street parking is limited on Raymur and Malkin. Park on neighbouring streets.

Phone: 604-873-7000
Fax: 604-871-6862

Animal Services hours

Daily, 10am to 6pm

Pet adoption 

By appointment only.


Closed on holidays.

Other pet incidents

Situation Contact
Animal in distress (including dogs in hot cars) Phone the BC SPCA Call Centre at 1-855-622-7722.
Animal up a tree or on a roof Phone an animal rescue business (not the fire department).
Injured cat Phone the BC SPCA Call Centre at 1-855-622-7722.
Any pet incident that happened in another city Phone that city's animal shelter.
You want to give up your pet Phone the BC SPCA Vancouver Branch at 604-879-7721.