Corrie Okell

Corrie Okell

General manager of Development, Buildings, and Licensing

Corrie Okell assumed her role as General Manager, Development, Buildings & Licensing in May 2024, having previously served as Director, Development and Building Permitting Services.

In her prior capacity, she played a key role in enhancing the efficiency of permitting services and spearheading efforts to simplify, streamline, and expedite development and building approvals. Notably, Corrie led initiatives that significantly reduced permitting times for low-density housing, expedited permitting for straightforward renovations (reducing permit issuance times from 10 weeks to approximately three days) and ensured the issuance for many sprinkler permits within 24 hours. Additionally, she also served as chair of the Development Permit Board. 

Corrie holds an MBA and has additional certifications in conflict resolution, project management and team performance. 

Before joining the City in 2018, she worked with E-Comm 9-1-1 in various leadership roles, focusing on policy and process optimization, training and operations.

Corrie Okell


Executive assistant 
Helen McGuire
