A person fills a tree watering bag up from the hose

Adopt a tree

Every year, about 2,000 new trees in Vancouver are available for adoption, and they graduate from the program after 3 years.

Adoption in 3 easy steps

  1. Choose your tree
  2. Check your inbox for a welcome package
  3. Let the tree care begin

Adopt your tree

Establishing young trees are key to keeping our city cool, beautiful, and livable. During the summer months in Vancouver, hot temperatures and dry spells can stress newly planted trees.

Help make sure young trees thrive. Join us in watering new trees in your neighborhood.

Vancouver’s young urban forest

Although the Park Board waters trees in the summer for the first 3 years after planting throughout the city, extra watering contributes to an even stronger, healthier urban forest.

When you commit to watering a young tree, you’re helping by: 

  • Encouraging strong root systems, which are crucial for trees' long-term health and survival
  • Contributing to a healthy urban forest that provides habitat and absorbs extreme rainfall expected with climate change
  • Improving the shade in neighbourhoods and making outdoor spaces more comfortable to counteract climate change impacts

How to care for your tree

Other ways to support our city

Volunteer as a Snow Angel

Help seniors and people with limited mobility clear their sidewalks after a snowfall.

Adopt a catch basin

Help prevent flooding in your neighbourhood, adopt a catch basin to care for.

Yellow Fish Program

Join us in painting yellow fish by catch basins to remind us that what enters these drains impacts local wildlife.

Contact us