Reserving fields and facilities: policies and guidelines

Field allocation

To ensure that fields and facilities are kept in good condition, the City of Vancouver manually reviews each reservation request before approving reservations.

Fields need time to recover after they have been heavily used.

Who gets first priority for field reservations

The City gives youth sports first priority when issuing permits for fields and outdoor facilities because young people are less mobile than adults and can not travel to different locations as easily.

In addition, we give priority (in the following order) to:

  • Leagues that require regular scheduled time slots
  • Tournaments and special events 
  • Practices

Leagues, programs and events can apply online months in advance and confirm the availability of their fields with plenty of time to plan their seasons.

Residents who just want a space for a spontaneous event or practice can also book a field or outdoor facility.

Playing seasons

  • The spring/summer season takes place from the fourth week of April to the fourth week of August.
  • The fall/winter season takes place from the second week of September to the end of March.


The Vancouver Park Board’s field use permit states that “no alcoholic beverages are to be dispensed, sold or consumed on the park at any time.” This means that you can not sell, give out, or drink any alcohol when using one of the City's fields. This is a zero-tolerance policy. If you violate the policy your permit privileges will be revoked.


To operate a food concession at a Vancouver field, court, or diamond, you must have approval from the Park Board and receive a permit from Coastal Health.
Organizers are responsible for the removal of all garbage from the concession (the Park Board will provide extra garbage bins for a fee).

Field markings

Sports groups are responsible for the lining of playing fields. All groups using Park Board fields must use non-toxic Sportsfield Whiting (CaCO3) or sports lining paint.

Tournaments and special events

Health regulations govern the number of toilets required for given numbers of people at special events and tournaments. 

Tell the the Park Board how many people you are expecting at your event and we can advise you on the number of toilets you will need.

If toilets are needed for your event, you will be required to secure, provide, and pay for them. There are a number of companies that provide this service and the Park Board can make recommendations upon your request.​​​​​​​

There is also a fee for extra garbage pick-up on a per-bag basis.

Contact the Park Board

Questions about permits, insurance, or reserving an outdoor Parks facility?
Fax: 604-257-8501