What's happeningInterested in operating this cultural amenity space? Submit a request for proposal (RFP) in fall 2024
We will be seeking proposals from eligible Vancouver-based arts and cultural non-profits interested in operating an approximately 10,000-square-foot cultural amenity facility located at 123 E 6th Ave.
Check back for submission details and key dates.
Important note Submission details, project information, and key dates are subject to change at our discretion.
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The arts production hub is located in a 2-storey rehabilitated and relocated heritage building at 123 E 6th Ave. It is part of a larger development, including an adjacent 12-storey office building, and will be delivered to the City through a long-term lease agreement. In turn, the space will be sub-leased to a non-profit arts operator.
The intended use for the space is:
- To provide affordable and accessible spaces on a cost-recovery basis that balances sustainability and affordability
- For local non-profit arts and culture production including:
- Production and rehearsal (including but not limited to theatre, dance, or music rehearsal)
- Indigenous arts
- Film, media arts and video production
- Electronic or amplified music and sound production
- Office administration
- Occasional presentation and event uses
- Ancillary uses
The space will be provided finished and equipped (excluding furniture and AV and other specialized equipment).
Contact us
Email: cultural.spaces@vancouver.ca