Andrew and Crystal Johns' gift

Andrew and Crystal Johns' gift

Andrew and Crystal Johns established a named endowment with the Vancouver Park Board in celebration of their wedding.

"We feel very fortunate to have many wonderful people in our lives. At this stage in our life we just don't see it necessary to receive traditional wedding gifts," they said. "Instead, we have chosen to establish an Endowment Fund through the Vancouver Park Board. Our endowment focuses on promoting the need to preserve parks and public recreation programs – something that we feel very strong about."

Andrew and Crystal will match every dollar contributed. To recognize their generosity, a park bench is dedicated in their honour along the seawall where they got engaged.

The Andrew and Crystal Johns Park Conservation Endowment is a wonderful example of how a planned gift can be made to celebrate a special occasion.

Together, this young couple's endowment and their park bench will provide a lasting legacy of the start of their journey through life.

If you are interested in learning more, contact the Fundraising and Development Office.

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