Park bench with Coal Harbour in the background, and a picnic table on the grass under some trees

Dedicate a park bench

Celebrating a special occasion or honouring someone with a dedicated park bench supports the enhancement of city parks.

A donation of $9,000 will fund a personalized dedication for 10 years.

Selecting a site

  • Existing sites are available in most parks.
  • A site must be selected and confirmed before your donation is made by contacting Fundraising and Development at or 604-257-8513.

Timing and duration

  • Funding in full is required.
  • Plaque wording must be received within 30 days of funding.
  • Installations take approximately 8 to 10 months.
  • The Park Board cannot guarantee the installation date.
  • Dedications expire 10 years from the date of installation and can be renewed at the rate in place at the time of renewal. If we are unable to contact you, the site will be made available for others to dedicate.


  • Only one plaque is allowed.
  • Only alphanumeric characters and punctuation marks are allowed.
  • Plaques allow for up to 3 lines of text (English or French) and 40 characters per line (spaces and punctuation count as a character).
  • Advertising or promotion is not allowed.
  • Plaques can be changed for a fee of $950 (non-tax deductible).


  • In compliance with Canada Revenue Agency , donations are non-returnable and become the legal property of the donee (Vancouver Park Board) once gifted. In the case where a donation is made and the project/dedication is either terminated or not fulfilled, donations will be redirected to another Park Board initiative.
  • The City of Vancouver does not allow spreading of ashes in public spaces.
  • Dedicated park amenities, including plaques, remain the property of the Park Board.
  • Altering dedicated park amenities or its surroundings is not allowed. This includes etching, painting, staining, varnishing, decorating, or attaching items to the dedicated park amenity. Dedicated park amenities that have been altered will be permanently removed, and donations non-returnable. All associated costs and replacement costs will be billed to the individual or organization responsible for the alteration.
  • In compliance with the City of Vancouver's Greenest City Action Plan, dedicated park amenities, including dedication plaques, are recycled.
  • The Park Board retains the right to use land adjacent to dedicated park amenities as it deems appropriate. The Park Board will inform you of any changes that require relocation.
  • Park maintenance, park upgrades or special events in parks, including filming, may require temporary removal of dedicated park amenities.
  • Prices are subject to change and may be adjusted annually as required.

Contact Fundraising and Development

Phone: 604-257-8513
