Home Action Response Team

A kitchen with applicances blocked by debris

The Home Action Response Team (HART) — a partnership between the City and Vancouver Coastal Health — provides a coordinated community response to those impacted by hoarding.

Compulsive hoarding is a serious public health hazard that poses significant health and safety risks for individuals, families, and communities.

The team's role is to provide healthy and safe outcomes for people affected by hoarding, and ensure people with hoarding issues receive appropriate health care support quickly.

Get help for a family member, friend, or neighbour impacted by compulsive hoarding

Compulsive hoarding causes significant stress, and includes:

  • Extreme collection of possessions that seem unusable or of limited value to others, such as old newspapers, clothes, and broken or old gadgets
  • Living spaces so cluttered they are no longer functional or accessible 
  • Outdoor spaces filled with items other than gardening supplies or yard furniture
  • The occupant has mobility challenges impacted by the collection of debris inside their home

To check if hoarding is a concern, use the Clutter Image Rating Guide  (300 KB).

Get assistance for compulsive hoarding