Keith and Betty Beedie Conservation Endowment for Stanley Park

Beedie Conservation Endowment

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of their families living in Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Beedie established The Keith & Betty Beedie Conservation Endowment for Stanley Park.

Three generations of getting together at their favourite family picnic site at Third Beach in Stanley Park inspired Mr. & Mrs. Beedie to leave a lasting gift for their most loved park.

This endowment provides funding for the ongoing conservation and preservation of Stanley Park, Vancouver’s oldest, largest and most popular park.

The Keith & Betty Beedie Conservation Endowment for Stanley Park has inspired many of Vancouver’s residents and visitors to contribute to the care and maintenance of Vancouver’s parks.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Fundraising and Development Office.

Email Fundraising and Development

Contact Fundraising and Development

Phone: 604-257-8513
