Anchoring in False Creek is a great way to explore the city. You will be close to downtown Vancouver, Granville Island market, and some of Vancouver's best shopping, theatres, and restaurants.
Anchoring permits
Boaters need to get a permit to anchor in False Creek when they are:
- Anchoring more than 8 hours during the day (9am to 11pm), or
- Anchoring anytime between 11pm and 9am the following day.
The permit will allow boaters to anchor a maximum of 14 full or partial days of 30 days during high season (April 1 to September 30) and 21 days of 40 days in low season (October 1 to March 31).
Dinghy access to shore is limited to designated public wharf areas only and there is a 3-hour time limit in False Creek. For more information refer to wharf locations, vessel size, and time limits listed in the Wharf By-law PDF file (1 MB).
Navigable channel
No anchoring is allowed within the navigable channel in False Creek including all areas marked by buoys. As of summer 2023, the navigable channel is marked by 20 green and red buoys from the Granville Bridge east to Science World. In addition, anchored boats must not impede access or egress from any of the ferry docks or marinas in False Creek.
If your boat is left along the shoreline or does not comply with the rules, it will be removed at your expense.
Mobile boat pump out
Public sewage pump-outs are available in False Creek and Coal Harbour at several marinas.
Find out where to pump-out your boat
It is illegal to dump untreated sewage in Vancouver’s surrounding waters.
Contact us
Heather Civic Marina
604-874-2814 or 778-866-2851
Daily: 8am to 4pm