Council motion on next steps for the community plans
September 27, 2013 – On September 25, 26, and 27, Council met to discuss the "Community Plans: Next Steps" report. Council passed a motion on next steps.
Summarizing the components related to Grandview-Woodland, Council directed staff to:
- Extend the planning process in Grandview-Woodland by a minimum of 12 months
- Create a Citizens' Assembly as part of the consultation process
- Work with the Kettle, Boffo Properties, other partners, and the community to explore options for the former Astorino's site (at Commercial Drive and Venables Street) that would reduce the proposed height and maintain the Kettle expansion and supportive housing
Staff were also requested to report back to Council on items 2 and 3 by December 2013.
Staff to update Council on next steps for community plans
September 17, 2013 – Staff published the report "Community Plans: Next Steps" about the process and next steps for community planning work in Downtown Eastside, Grandview-Woodland, Marpole, and West End. Council will discuss this report on Wednesday, September 25 at 9:30am, at the City Finance and Services Committee meeting.
Questionnaire about emerging directions for the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan now closed
August 6, 2013 – The questionnaire related to emerging directions is now closed. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. The comments collected will be used to make further refinements to the final version of the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
Update on Grandview-Woodland Community Plan timeline
August 1, 2013 – On Tuesday, July 23 Council directed staff to review the schedule for the four Community Plan processes currently underway.
Staff will look at progress to date and feedback gathered through the consultation process so far, in order to identify options for possible additional steps and a revised timeline and budget for each of the four plans. Staff will present a report and recommendations to Council on this matter in late September.
The staff report will be available online prior to the meeting and community members will have the opportunity to provide comment on in writing (via mail or email) or in person, on the day of the meeting.
Details on the specific meetings dates and times will be posted here as soon as they are available.
July 25, 2013 - City Council understands that residents in the Grandview-Woodland community have concerns about the current planning timeline. On Tuesday, July 24 Council directed staff to review the schedule for the Community Plan process over the summer. Staff will look at progress to date and feedback gathered through the consultation process so far, in order to identify options for additional steps and a revised timeline.
On July 29 and 31, we are holding events to follow-up on the July 6 Broadway and Commercial sub-area workshop. We also expect to hold workshops on other sub-areas of the plan as part of the expanded process. Staff will provide a report back to Council on the overall process and timeline in September.
Open houses on July 29 and 31: Broadway and Commercial - Exploring options for a transit-oriented community
July 12, 2013 – We are hosting two open houses so you can review the materials and outcomes from our July 6 workshop, provide more input, and learn more about next steps.
- Event date: Monday, July 29, 2013, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive (at 16th Avenue)
- Event date: Wednesday, July 31, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: WISE Hall – 1882 Adanac Street (at Victoria Drive)
View the open house information boards in the Documents tab.
During the July 6 workshop, we looked at options for the Broadway and Commercial area, and explored principles, ideas, and potential built form options with participants. We also committed to reporting back as soon as possible on the day’s events, and to continue to provide opportunities for people to get involved.
Update on plans for the transit-oriented community at Broadway and Commercial
July 5, 2013 – We have heard clearly from the community that there is serious concern about the extent and height of tower building forms in the vicinity of Broadway and Commercial station. We will not be proceeding with the proposal as presented in the "Emerging Directions" sub-area policy for Broadway and Commercial.
We are taking a step back to explore options with the community. This will be done via a series of in-person events and online engagement, so that you will have a number of ways to share your ideas on the future of Broadway and Commercial.
Details on these events and activities will be posted shortly.
Tell us what you think about our emerging directions for Grandview-Woodland
June 27, 2013 – If you are unable to attend one of our June public open houses, you can still tell us what you think about our emerging directions for Grandview-Woodland.
Your input on the proposed policy directions is very important. Share your views on the emerging directions by taking our online questionnaire. All of the information we presented at the open houses is included on the questionnaire. You can also find it in the Documents tab.
The deadline for the questionnaire has been extended to Friday, August 2, 2013.
Urban Aboriginal Dialogue: Grandview-Woodland Historic Context Statement
June 26, 2013 – Grandview-Woodland is a community with a very rich history and culture. What are the histories, places, or events that are meaningful to you?
As part of the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan, the City of Vancouver has retained Donald Luxton & Associates to prepare a Historic Context Statement for the neighbourhood. An open house will be held with the Aboriginal community to build on previous dialogue sessions, share some key findings so far, and hear back from the community to ensure that the final project is accurate and reflective of the diversity of people in Grandview-Woodland.
Event date and time: Thursday, July 4, 2013, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Event location: Chief Simon Baker Room, Vancouver Friendship Centre, 1607 East Hastings Street (at Commercial Drive)
Exploring options for the future of Broadway and Commercial
Join us for a workshop to explore a range of options for creating a high-density, transit-oriented community at Broadway and Commercial. We’ll discuss building form, opportunities for housing, office space, retail, and public realm improvements. The event is free, but individual registration is required. Space is extremely limited.
Event date and time: Saturday, July 6, 2013, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Event location: to be announced
Open House: Grandview-Woodland Historic Context Statement
As part of the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan, the City has retained Donald Luxton & Associates to prepare a Historic Context Statement for the neighbourhood. Monday's Open House is being held at the beginning of the Historic Context Statement project and builds upon the previous Planning through Dialogue workshop. At this Open House, the consultants hope to gather additional information from the community, which will guide the formation of the Historic Context Statement and ensure its accuracy and relevancy.
Event date and time: Monday, June 24, 2013, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Event location: The WISE Hall, 1882 Adanac (at Victoria)
Emerging Directions for Grandview-Woodland – Open Houses
View the display boards from the open houses under our Documents tab.
May 17, 2013 - Coming up in June, we'll be hosting three open houses for everyone to come and see the draft “emerging directions” that have been developed out of the workshops held this past winter. The events will showcase a mix of proposed community-wide policy and sub-area directions. It's your chance to review the material and provide further input. Your feedback will help refine the directions as we move towards finalizing the new community plan this fall.
Join us at an open house:
- Event date: Saturday, June 1, 2013, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Wise Hall, 1882 Adanac Street
- Event date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Tangent Café, 2095 Commercial Drive (at 5th Avenue)
- Event date: Thursday, June 6, 2013, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Princeton Restaurant, 1901 Powell Street
What do you think about the future of the Nanaimo area in Grandview-Woodland?
May 8, 2013 - Share your views on the future of Nanaimo Street, as part of the development of the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
- The questionnaire closed May 22, 2013. Thank you for your interest.
Urban Aboriginal Forum
May 7, 2013 – Join us to share your ideas for the future of Grandview-Woodland. Help shape the plan at a special forum held at the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre.
Topics will include: housing; transportation; parks and public space, social issues, urban health and safety, arts and culture; heritage and character. The event is free but registration is required.
- Event date: Saturday, May 11, 2013, 11:00am – 3:00pm
Location: Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, 1607 East Hastings Street
Community plan workshop in Chinese
April 4, 2013 – Help shape the plan at a special workshop conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin. Topics will include housing, transportation, parks and public space, social issues/safety, arts and culture, and heritage and character. You must pre-register to attend.
- Event date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Location: Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive
Social issues, urban health and safety online questionnaire
March 20, 2013 – If you were unable to attend our social issues, urban health and safety workshop on March 7, it is not too late to share your thoughts. Our workshop materials and questions are available online until April 1, 2013.
- This survey closed April 1. Thank you for your interest.
Housing online questionnaire
March 13, 2013 – If you were unable to attend our Housing workshop on February 27, it is not too late to share your thoughts. Our workshop materials and questions are available online until March 24, 2013. Over the next few weeks our team will be working to write up the 9 Dialogue sessions (combining notes, questionnaires, maps and drawings). Our plan is to share this synthesis back with you on a theme-by-theme basis – likely starting at the end of March.
- This survey closed March 24. Thank you for your interest.
Social issues, urban health and safety workshop on March 7
February 26, 2013 – Our next workshop will focus on social issues, urban health and safety in Grandview-Woodland. We'll discuss social well-being in the neighbourhood; how best to respond to key social and safety issues; what can we do to improve or enhance social services and housing facilities; and how these ideas can be part of the community plan directions.
Transportation online questionnaire
February 25, 2013 – If you were unable to attend our transportation workshops on February 13 or 16, it is not too late to share your thoughts. Our workshop materials and questions are available online until March 17, 2013.
Parks and public spaces online questionnaire
February 25, 2013 – Our parks and public spaces online questionnaire is now closed. Stay tuned for transportation and be sure to register for our upcoming housing workshop.
Housing in Grandview-Woodland workshop
February 15, 2013 – The next workshop in our Neighbourhood Planning through Dialogue series will look at housing in Grandview-Woodland. Join us to discuss issues and offer your input on how the City can best support housing in the neighbourhood, and how directions on these elements can be integrated into the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
Parks and public spaces online questionnaire
February 8, 2013 – If you were unable to attend our Parks and Public Spaces workshops on January 30 and February 2, it is not too late to share your view. Our workshop materials and questions are available online until February 23, 2013.
Arts and culture online questionnaire
February 5, 2013 – If you were unable to attend our Arts and Culture workshops on December 3 and January 23, it is not too late to give us your opinion. Our workshop materials and questions are available online until February 15, 2013. Review our workshop presentation, and then tell us what you think in our online survey.
- This survey is now closed – thank you for your interest.
Transportation workshops
February 4, 2013 – We've got two new workshops coming up to talk about transportation in Grandview-Woodland. We'll discuss the current transportation options in the neighbourhood; what can we do to improve or enhance transportation; and how these ideas can be part of the community plan directions.
Workshops are free, but registration is required. Both sessions will be the same, so you only need to sign up for one.
- Register for the workshop on Wednesday, February 13
- Register for the workshop on Saturday, February 16
Heritage and character online discussion
February 1, 2013 – The online discussion on heritage and culture is now closed. Thank you for your input.
Parks and public space workshops
January 22, 2013 – Come and discuss parks and public space in Grandview-Woodland at our next Neighbourhood Planning through Dialogue workshop. It's your chance to talk about the issues and opportunities and share your ideas on the ways the City can help improve and maintain parks and public space in the neighbourhood. We'll also look at how all this fits into the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
Workshops are free, but registration is required. Both sessions will be the same, so you only need to sign up for one.
- Register for the workshop on Wednesday, January 30
- Register for the workshop on Saturday, February 2
Join the discussion online
January 9, 2013 – If you can't make it to a workshop or would prefer to provide input from the comfort of your own home, our workshop questions will be posted around the date of each workshop and will be available for 10 days. Stay tuned for details or be notified when each questionnaire is available online by joining our email list today (see sign-up form on right).
Heritage and character workshops
January 2, 2013 – The next workshop in our Neighbourhood Planning through Dialogue series will look at heritage and character in Grandview-Woodland. Join us to discuss issues and offer your input on how the City can best support heritage and character in the neighbourhood and how directions on these elements can be integrated into the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
The workshop is free, but registration is required.
- Register today for the workshop on Thursday, January 17, 2013
Arts and culture workshops
November 22, 2012 – The new Grandview-Woodland Community Plan will set out long-term directions for the neighbourhood, including ones for arts and culture. Join us at a workshop to discuss arts and culture issues and offer your input on how the City can support its arts scene as effectively as possible.
Workshops are free, but registration is required. Both sessions will be the same, so you only need to sign up for one.
- Register for the workshop on Monday, December 3, 2012
- Register for the workshop on Wednesday, January 23, 2013
An online component will be available in January.
Foundational principles at open houses
November 2, 2012 – More than 150 people came to our open houses in September and October at the Cultch, Legion and Princeton Grill. These open houses were designed to get feedback on foundational principles that will guide the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
The principles are intended to inform comprehensive planning in the neighbourhood and are derived from a range of city-wide policies, including the Greenest City Action Plan, Housing and Homelessness Strategy, Culture Plan and many others.
Participants reviewed the principles to see how they aligned with community input on Grandview-Woodland’s key assets, opportunities and issues. They were also invited to help “translate” the principles and objectives to the neighbourhood level.
Open houses on community planning policies and principles
We took the priorities we heard from you over the last few months and connected them with city-wide policies to come up with some foundational principles that will guide the Grandview-Woodland plan. Come to the open house to learn more and offer your thoughts.
- Event date: September 29, 2012, 12:00pm noon – 4:00pm
Location: 1895 Venables Street, The Cultch (at Victoria Drive)
- Event date: October 2, 2012, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: 2205 Commercial Drive, Royal Canadian Legion (at 6th Avenue)
- Event date: October 4, 2012, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: 1901 Powell Street, Princeton Grill (near Victoria Drive)
October 3, 2012 – The information boards from the latest open houses are now online, providing a summary of our planning principles and how they’re shaped by city-wide and regional policies/initiatives and community input.
Neighbourhood walking tour
City staff are hosting a series of neighbourhood urban design walking tours for community members. Four tours will take place, looking at Broadway and Commercial, Nanaimo Street, Cedar Cove (north of Hastings), and Hastings Street.
September 30, 2012
Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, 12:15-4:00 pm
1607 East Hastings Street (near Commercial Drive)
Maps about neighbourhood assets, issues, and opportunities now available
September 2012 – Remember the asset mapping that we were doing at our community events? We asked people to help us map the important places in the neighbourhood… and in so doing collected just over 1000 different ‘points’ from the community. This was one of the most popular activities we did over the past few months… and the exercise appealed to people of all ages and backgrounds.
We’ve since taken the big paper maps, digitized the data, and categorized the input we received – assigning each point to one or more key planning themes (e.g., housing, transportation, etc.). The work is still ‘in progress’ – we’ll be turning these maps into still other kinds of tools for our Phase II work – but the first draft is available for you to look at.
Grandview-Woodland photo contest winners chosen
August 16, 2012 – Congratulations to the creative folks in the community who are the Grandview-Woodland photo contest winners! Twenty photos were selected – 10 in the People's Choice category and 10 in the Jury Selection category. Thank you to everyone who took the time to send submissions and to the jury members (Damian, Wendy and Cyndy) for taking the time to select the winners.
The photo site will remain open through to the end of 2012 so you can keep submitting, rating, and commenting on photos.
Community assets, issues, and opportunities prize winners
August 8, 2012 – Thank you to everyone who completed the Community Assets, Issues and Opportunities Questionnaire. Here are the prize draw winners who were randomly selected after submitting a questionnaire and “Picture This” comment card:
- Catherine – two tickets to the PNE
- Lynda – two tickets to the Orpheum Theatre
- Lisa – $10 gift certificate to JJ Bean
Report-out events on community assets, issues, and opportunities
July 2012 – The Grandview-Woodland planning team reported out on what the community wants for the future of their neighbourhood at three outdoor events on July 16 (Commercial Drive), July 28 (Pandora Park) and July 29 (Grandview Park).
The results from the asset mapping, questionnaire and open houses were on display and visitors were treated to hot dogs at Pandora and Grandview Parks.
Strides for Stroke 2012
June 23, 2012 – Lead planner, Andrew Pask, joined the local community at a fundraiser awareness event for stroke survivors. Participants at the event stopped by to find out more about the community plan, sign up on the Grandview-Woodland mailing list, and to comment on what they love and what they would like to see change in the community.
National Aboriginal Day
June 21, 2012 – The Grandview-Woodland planning team set up an interactive display at the National Aboriginal Day celebration at Trout Lake engaging people who attended the celebration to get involved with the community plan. People took the opportunity to share their ideas on the future of Grandview-Woodland.
Jane’s Walk recap and dialogue
June 19, 2012 – The City of Vancouver, Museum of Vancouver and Spacing Vancouver revisited the special Jane's Walk tours that were held in Marpole, Grandview-Woodland and the West End in Home: An Exploration of 3 Vancouver Communities. This event, held at the Nauseam of Vancouver brought together planners and tour leaders from Marpole, Grandview-Woodland and the West End along with residents for a reflective dialogue that explored similarities between the three neighbourhoods currently undergoing community plans.
Car Free Day
June 17, 2012 – The Grandview-Woodland planning team, with the City’s Transportation 2040 team and the Home Energy Loan Program joined the festivities at Commercial Drive’s Car Free Day on Sunday, June 17. Information about the planning process was provided, questionnaires were available and people shared their ideas for the future of Grandview-Woodland.
Grandview-Woodland photo contest

June 17, 2012 – Our Grandview-Woodland photo contest is now closed. We will announce the winners soon. If you would still like to share your images of the neighbourhood, the photo site will remain open through to the end of 2012 so you can submit photos, add comments, and rate images.
Italian Day 2012!
June 10, 2012 – Planners joined the festivities on Commercial Drive to experience “La Dolce Vita” and to spread the word about the 18-21 month community planning program in Grandview-Woodland. Hundreds of people placed dots and wrote comments about what they love and what they would like to see change in Grandview-Woodland.
Workshop to explore neighbourhood energy futures
June 9, 2012 – The second workshop on energy futures took place in the grand Simon Baker room at the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre on Saturday, June 9. Together with facilitators from UBC’s Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and City of Vancouver staff, 35 participants worked together to plan and design what low carbon neighbourhoods might look like in the future. After facilitators introduced the Grandview-Woodland community, highlighting land use and energy trends of the community.
Community assets, issues and opportunities questionnaire
June 8, 2012 – We need your input and ideas to help assess community priorities in Grandview-Woodland. The Community Assets, Issues and Opportunities. The questionnaire will help us to identify what we have in the area now, what you feel we need and ways we can improve things. Your answers will shape the planning process over the next 18-21 months. (The questionnaire closed on June 29.)
Open houses to launch community planning process
May 16, 2012 – Café Deux Soleils hosted the second Grandview-Woodland Community Plan Open House, offering residents the chance to share their ideas on the future of Grandview-Woodland.
May 13, 2012 – The City held a Community Planning Open House, which featured an opportunity to learn more about the planning process, and how to get involved. The event feature music, face painting, button making, asset mapping, and more.
Grandview-Woodland photo contest
May 13, 2012 – Show us the hidden gems, your favourite routes, the places you like to visit, or the ones you choose to avoid, in this community planning photo contest. Submit your favourite photos, and we will choose the winners.(The contest closed on June 17.)
Stone Soup Festival
May 12, 2012 – The planning team joined the Stone Soup Festival at Britannia Square to celebrate the culture of food and community, as well as spread the word about the planning program.
Storytelling launch event
May 11, 2012 – We held the Grandview-Woodland Community Storytelling Event at the WISE Hall. It was hosted by local storyteller Naomi Steinberg, and featured local resident and musical talent, Jess Hill.
Grandview-Woodland walking tour
May 6, 2012 – Coordinated by the City of Vancouver and its partners, Museum of Vancouver and Spacing Vancouver, residents joined hosts Dan Freeman and Marta Farevaag Long as they explored the diversity of features that make Grandview-Woodland unique. City of Vancouver planner, Andrew Pask, was on hand to answer questions about the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan and discuss opportunities to get involved. This walk was park of the Jane’s Walk series.
Grandview-Woodland plan Council vote
July 28, 2011 – City Council voted to direct staff to begin a new community plan program for Grandview-Woodland.