Supporting job growth in Vancouver's innovation economy
Mount Pleasant is a transit-connected, centrally-located neighbourhood in Vancouver with a diverse mix of land uses. Additionally, it is close to housing and amenities like cafes, parks, and shops.
These factors have attracted a growing number of digital and creative businesses, making Mount Pleasant’s industrial hub a major cluster in Vancouver’s growing innovation economy.
Learn more about the innovation economy in Vancouver
Zoning updates
The Mount Pleasant Industrial Area serves as an important job centre for the local economy.
In 2013, changes to the light industrial (I-1) zones in the area were approved by Vancouver City Council to enhance the area for job growth and adapt to growing and modernizing business needs.
Following that, in 2017 Council approved zoning updates to the digital district area to increase job space, support the innovation economy, and allow for larger buildings.
What's happening?
Mount Pleasant Industrial Area Transportation Strategy
After four public information sessions from March to April (three of which occurred in conjunction with the Broadway Plan open houses), we're analyzing community feedback to further refine the long-term recommendations for the area's transportation network.
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on the proposed strategy in person and online.
To learn more about our information session and the proposed recommendations, view the information display boards PDF file (14 MB).
If you would like to get in touch with the project team, please contact us by email at mtpleasant.transportation@vancouver.ca.
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Supporting jobs through effective transportation planning
To support these land use changes, City staff have been exploring potential improvements to the walking, cycling, transit, and vehicle network in the area with the goal of:
- Maintaining a reliable transportation network to ensure vehicular and delivery access to all businesses (while recognizing the industrial nature of the area)
- Encouraging more sustainable trips on foot, bike, or public transit
Project timeline
Here is our process and anticipated milestones.
October 2016
Open houses
Seek community feedback on the proposal
Fall 2016
Evaluate and refine zoning and other changes based on feedback
December 2016
Report to Council on zoning changes, transportation changes and expansion of Southeast False Creek Neighbourhood Energy Utility
January 2017
Public hearing on zoning changes
February 2017
Council approves zoning changes
May 2018
Council approves parking strategy
We are here
April 2019
Consultation on transportation strategy recommendations
Background and context
City Council adopted the Mount Pleasant Community Plan in 2010, followed by the plan's Implementation Package in 2013.
Council approved changes to the I-1 zone to allow for more general office use in 2013. The goal was to enhance the area as a job centre and support the local economy by allowing for more potential jobs in the area, more flexibility for business retention and expansion, and more options for mixed-use industrial buildings.
Read the Council report PDF file (330 KB).
Chief Technology Officer Jessie Adcock and Acting General Manager, Planning and Development Services, Jane Pickering presented to Council in June 2016 about Vancouver's innovation economy.