Filming in the Southlands

Southlands is a unique area of Vancouver; a semi-rural neighbourhood within a large metropolis. Many stables line country-like roads frequently used by horses and riders.

While we appreciate the economic importance of the film industry and support the idea of using Southlands for location filming, it’s important that the film industry appreciates the unique nature of our neighbourhood and addresses related concerns.


  • Entrance routes to be observed regarding large trucks driving into the Southlands area.
  • Blenheim Street should be avoided, as it is built on a bog.
  • The transportation route should be south on MacDonald to 53rd, west on 53rd to Carnarvon and south to Celtic.
  • The speed limit in Southlands is 30km/h and must be strictly adhered to as the roads are narrow with unpaved shoulders and are frequently used by pedestrians and horses.
  • Safety precautions are to be especially observed around children and horse shows. There are a number of annual events at Southlands Riding Club that bring many more horses and riders to the area.
  • Although there are several locations in Southlands where all filming and parking can be contained to private property, it is still important to inform the Southlands liaison and the Film and Special Events branch of your activity to help eliminate conflicts with other productions.

City Film and Special Events branch

Send an enquiry or make a complaint online about a special event or about filming.

Park Board Filming and  Special Events office

2099 Beach Ave
Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4 (mailing address only)

Phone: 604-257-8516

Fax: 604-257-8501
