Build a strata development in phases

Submission requirements for phased strata proposals

Phased strata applications allow buildings on a site to be constructed in sequenced phases. A strata plan is registered after the first phase is completed, and as the development progresses, each subsequent phase is merged with the original strata plan. Legislation pertaining to Phased Strata Plans is contained in Part 13 of the Strata Property Act .

A preliminary proposal for approval of a Phased Strata Plan Declaration (Form P)  must include the following:

1. A letter of application, which clearly states:

  • the property address and legal description;
  • the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the person making the application;
  • a brief description of the project, including reference to approved development and building permits; and
  • whether any existing buildings on the site will be retained.

2. A non-refundable fee of $7,100, which also covers all subsequent strata plan approvals. Cheques should be made out to the “City of Vancouver.”

3. A current title search of the properties involved in the proposal, from the Land Title Office in New Westminster. You may be asked to provide copies of any charges on title, or submit a charge summary prepared by a lawyer, if they are extensive.

4. Two copies, both signed by the owner, of the Form P, including the sketch plan as described in the Form P.

The review process of a Phased Strata Plan Declaration (Form P)

When they receive a Form P submission, staff will review it against the approved Development Permit and drawings, and all other relevant approvals. The information contained in the Form P must be consistent with that on the approved Development Permit. If not, it will be necessary to amend the Form P, or obtain approval for a minor amendment to the Development Permit. They will review the number of units in each phase, the location of common facilities and the location and implications of the proposed phase boundaries.

Since a phased strata plan is a form of subdivision, the proposal will also be evaluated against the provisions of the City’s Subdivision By-law. This includes access, servicing, and compliance with other relevant by-laws such as the Vancouver Building By-law, at the proposed phase boundaries. Based on this review, it may be necessary to register legal agreements at the time of the Phase 1 strata plan approval, to address issues such as reciprocal access between phases, or non-compliance with the Vancouver Building By-law at phase boundaries.

If agreements are required, you will be advised in writing, at the time of the Form P approval. Agreements may be discharged upon registration of the subsequent phased strata plans, if applicable.

Additional conditions

Pursuant to Section 223 of the Strata Property Act, if common facilities are to be constructed in a phase other than the first phase, security must be provided by posting a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other security in an amount sufficient to cover the full cost of constructing each facility, including the cost of the land, unless other arrangements are made, to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer, to ensure the completion of each common facility. If security is required, it will be released once the common facility has been substantially completed, as verified by a professional engineer or architect, or if agreed to by the strata corporation and owner developer, pursuant to Section 226 of the Strata Property Act.

If one or more of the proposed phases contains an existing, previously-occupied building, approval will be required from the Approving Authority for conversion of that building to strata title ownership, pursuant to Section 242 of the Strata Property Act. Please refer to the City’s Strata Title and Cooperative Conversion Guidelines for further information in this regard. As a separate application (and fee) is required, this will impact the timing of the Form P approval.

If the Form P is acceptable, it will be forwarded to the Approving Officer for signature. It generally takes four to six weeks to process a Form P application.

Proposals can be delivered to the Development and Building Services Centre, Ground Floor (515 West 10th Avenue), to the attention of the Subdivision Group, or mailed to:

The Approving Officer, Development Services
City of Vancouver
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4

For further information, please call 604-871-6627 or 604-873-7556, or email

The information contained in this website is intended as an overview about the Subdivision and Strata Title process. This information should not be construed as legal documentation. It departs from the necessary legal and technical terminology used in the Vancouver Charter and applicable City by-laws. Any contradiction, dispute, or difference between the contents of this website and applicable City by-laws, policies or guidelines will be resolved by reference to the by-laws or other official documents.

Contact our subdivision and strata team

Mailing address
Subdivision and Strata
453 West 12th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4