Houses on residential block in Vancouver, BC

Property use and maintenance

We put limits on the things people can do on, and with, their property to help ensure that general standards of health, safety, and cleanliness are maintained for the benefit of everyone.

Private property concern

Get help with a property use or maintenance concern.

Living in strata

Property use and maintenance: if you live in a strata, the rules are a bit different. Learn more.

Property use and maintenance bylaws

Vancouver puts limits on the things people can do on, and with, their property for the health, safety, and cleanliness of the community. Learn more here.

Residential elevators

Building owners are responsible for maintaining and repairing elevators and for keeping them in working condition at all times.

Parking tips, regulations, and by-laws

As the demand for on-street parking grows, we have introduced regulations under our parking by-laws in more areas of the city.