Graffiti on a boarded wall

Manage graffiti

What is graffiti

In the City by-law, graffiti is defined as “one or more letters, symbols or marks, howsoever made, on any structure or thing” placed without the property owner or tenant’s prior, written authorization. This definition includes tagging and advertising.

Unauthorized graffiti is a community issue and is best addressed using a collaborative and holistic approach.

We're committed to removing and preventing graffiti on public property and supporting residents and businesses to do the same.

Our Integrated Graffiti Management Program (IGMP) provides strategic direction and programs to manage unauthorized graffiti and manages our graffiti removal services on public property.

Graffiti art wall pilot

We're exploring the benefits and feasibility of sanctioned graffiti zones.

Learn about the graffiti art wall pilot

Managing graffiti on your property

Property owners are required to remove unauthorized graffiti within 10 days of receiving a notice.

Review our guide summarizing tips, programs, and frequently asked questions to help manage graffiti.

Graffiti tips and FAQs (44 KB)

塗鴉的提示和常見問題 (Graffiti tips FAQ) (489 KB)

Report graffiti on public property

Report graffiti for removal on public property and enforcement on neglectful private property.

Report crime

Call 9-1-1 if you see vandalism in the act. Report online or call VPD non-emergency at 604-717-3321 if your property is vandalized with graffiti.

Free paint program

Property owners and tenants are eligible to receive free paint from Dulux to remove graffiti up to two times in a calendar year.

Make an outdoor mural

Interested in creating a mural in your community? Apply for paint supplies and support for your outdoor mural.

Graffiti By-law

Prevents the unsightliness of property by prohibiting the placement of graffiti and requiring that property be kept free of graffiti.

Posters and signs

Review guidelines on where posters and advertising can be legally displayed.

Sign permit

Understand when you need a permit to install signs and awnings, and apply online. Once issued, install your sign or awning, and book inspections.

Artist opportunities

Find opportunities for local artists including calls for public art, available studio space, and more.