Conserve water - use a rain barrel

Make rain a resource! Rain water collection is a brilliant way to give your lawn and garden chlorine-free liquid sunshine. A rain barrel allows you to store rain, and use it as needed to take care of your lawn, helping keep a useful resource from running down the storm drain.
Rain water that falls on your roof is directed to a downspout normally connected to a storm water drain. A rain barrel intercepts this water and collects it, creating a reserve that can be used on your lawn or garden and reducing your demand on treated drinking water.
Rain water is chlorine-free and ambient temperature, so plants like it too.
Important: Rainwater is not for human consumption. Collected rainwater is suitable for plants and grass only.
Discover other ways you can conserve water, such as buying a water saving kit, and following lawn sprinkling regulations.
The average Vancouverite uses more than 320 L of water per day in their home. In the summer, water use can double, largely due to lawn care!
Contact the Regional Compost Hotline, or visit the Compost Demonstration Garden:
2150 Maple Street
Vancouver BC
Phone: 604-736-2250
The hotline and garden are run by City Farmer, a non-profit organization, on behalf of the City and Metro Vancouver.