Dedicate land for a road or lane
Subdivision requirements to dedicate land for a road or lane, or to consolidate a closed road or lane with private property
Dedication of land for road or lane widening can be a condition of development permit issuance or a rezoning application. The processing time is usually 3 to 4 weeks, unless there are soil contamination issues. Subdivision plans for dedications must be registered at the Land Title Office to fulfill a development permit or rezoning condition.
The submission must include:
1. A letter of application, which clearly states:
- The property address and legal description;
- The name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the person making the application
- Reference to the development application number or rezoning application, if applicable
2. A letter of authorization from the property owner if you are acting on their behalf.
3. If fees are applicable as noted, cheques should be made out to the “City of Vancouver” if subdivision is required as a condition of:
- Development permit issuance or is otherwise initiated by the owner: no fee
- Rezoning enactment or is otherwise required by the City Engineer: $703
4. A copy of the development application letter of approval (“prior-to” letter), if applicable.
5. A current title search of the properties involved in the proposal. You may be asked to provide copies of any charges on title, or submit a charge summary prepared by a lawyer, if they are extensive.
6. Subdivision plans, prepared by a B.C. Land Surveyor, in accordance with Land Title Office electronic filing (E-filing) requirements.
Proposals can be delivered to the Development and Building Services Centre, Ground Floor (515 West 10th Avenue), to the attention of the Subdivision Group, or mailed to:
The Approving Officer, Development Services
City of Vancouver
453 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4
For further information, email
The information contained in this website is intended as an overview about the Subdivision and Strata Title process. This information should not be construed as legal documentation. It departs from the necessary legal and technical terminology used in the Vancouver Charter and applicable City by-laws. Any contradiction, dispute, or difference between the contents of this website and applicable City by-laws, policies or guidelines will be resolved by reference to the by-laws or other official documents.