Documentary: Seeds of the Inner City

SOLEfood Farm -- a small production farm on leased urban lots.

Highlighting the Efforts of SOLEfood Farm

The purpose of the Pioneering Urban Food Production in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) project was to produce a documentary film about the SOLEfood Farm, the first urban farm in Vancouver run by inner city residents.

The film showcasesVancouveras a pioneer in urban food production systems and highlights the importance of social enterprise as a motor of change and revitalization for the DTES and its inhabitants.

The documentary, entitled Seeds of the Inner City, was directed by Colombian-Canadian filmmaker, Andrés Salas, and documents the construction and development of the SOLEfood farm.

Providing Nation-wide Education

The documentary explores the potential of community economic development and the complexity of human relationships. Seeds of the Inner City will be used as an educational and promotional tool that will:
  • be available to aid in the implementation of similar projects in other Canadian cities;
  • educate the public about the nature of social enterprises and their benefits to communities;
  • generate discussion around the importance, potential and challenges of social enterprises inVancouver; and
  • showcaseVancouveras a pioneer in social enterprise and urban farming inCanada.

Opportunities to Share and View

Both a short and long version of the film are available for viewing.

The short version of the film was included in:

  • WE:Vancouver – 12 Manifestos for the City exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery
  • ¡Fiesta 125! A Celebration of Latin American Culture in Vancouver at the 2011 Vancouver Latin American Film Festival. 

The long version of the film has been submitted for inclusion in:

  • Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival inToronto
  • RDIM – Montreal International Documentary Festival
  • 14th International Documentary Encounters of Colombia Festival.

In addition, it will be presented twice as a free screening at VLAFF 10 in September 2012.

Vancouver Latin American Film Festival

Vancouver Latin American Film Festival

Vancouver Latin American Film Festival

The VLAFF provides a forum for the promotion and exhibition of Latin American cinema. Since 2003, this annual festival has been promoting dialogue between cultures and explores historical and social issues through the eyes of filmmakers.