Full-width introduction, one to two sentences per point – keep it brief:
- What is this project about?
- Why is it happening?
- How will people who are affected benefit?
- What important terms need defining? Define them inline, in context. Avoid a separate block for definitions.
Possibly replace with "what you need to know" summary block
What's happeningFull-width latest update
- What's going on with this project?
Upcoming design shift: primary content block
The next three sections can have flexible widths (⅓, ½, ⅔, full) to make room for projects with complex details.
Work hours
Monday to Friday: 7am to 5pm, extended hours as needed
Weekends: as needed
How this project may affect you
These sections can be re-ordered and removed based on user needs. Additional sections could include: noise, vibration, trees, and so on.
Get updates
Contact us
If this project was previously in a consultation phase, keep the past updates from that consultation page:
- For small and medium projects, moving the past updates into this accordion.
- For large projects, demote the consultation phase page as a child page of this delivery phase page, link to it below the accordion, and update any project vanity URL to this delivery phase page.
View past updates and documents from the consultation phase of this project (link to old consultation phase page, now demoted as a child page of this delivery phase page)
Related projects
What projects relate to the broader policy context? Use a large icon per project
Related projects option 2
Option to just list the related projects.