In the case of an emergency in Yaletown, Vancouver Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) do not have room for emergency vehicles to access the street, or set up their ladders and stabilizers. The streets with limited access are:
- Mainland St, between Nelson St and Davie St
- Hamilton St, between Nelson St and Drake St
Trial parking design
Through discussions with Yaletown businesses, we heard interest in a design that will keep angled parking and remove the parallel parking. This design leaves 117 parking spaces on Mainland St and Hamilton St.
Over time, some of the 60 dumpsters in the area could be relocated or contained to make room for more parking.
We will work with the Yaletown BIA to install the revised design as a trial. We will also:
- Monitor parking behaviour throughout 2018 to ensure that VFRS vehicle requirements are met
- Create 38 additional parking spaces on surrounding streets and parkades
- Reduce the speed limit to 30km/hr
- Paint a 6m clearance line for angled parking stalls and add signs to encourage parking compliance
- Increase parking enforcement to encourage proper parking behaviour
If the trial design is successful, we will explore ways to extend sidewalk space to create a flexible space for walking, public seating, or local shop displays.
The trial is expected to be implemented in phases, starting in early April 2018, and will be evaluated for up to a year.
In January 2018, we proposed the removal of all angled parking on Hamilton St and Mainland St, to be replaced with as much parallel parking as possible.
We have been working closely with the Yaletown Business Improvement Association (BIA) to find additional parking in the neighbourhood and explore options that will meet VFRS requirements.
We also heard from over 200 residents and businesses at an information session on February 22, 2018.