As part of the 10-year Vision for transportation in the Metro Vancouver region External web site, opens in new tab, we partnered with TransLink to facilitate a new RapidBus bus service along 41st Ave from Joyce-Collingwood Station to UBC.
R4: 41st Ave RapidBus service started in January 2020. Construction, parking changes, and bus stop improvements like benches and waste bins are now complete along key sections of 41st Ave. Pavement markings and signs have been added along the corridor to clarify yielding and merging movements and to remind people about the speed limit.
41st Ave is a key east-west arterial and the second busiest transit corridor in the region after Broadway. The new RapidBus has the capacity to move up to 4,400 people per hour during rush hour, connecting to the Expo Line, the Canada Line, Oakridge Centre, Kerrisdale, and UBC.
Our role
We've partnered with TransLink to identify and implement changes. With limited street space, the changes aim to give buses priority while balancing various, localized needs along the corridor.
These changes include:
- Implementing bus priority lanes
- Parking removal and restrictions along sections of the corridor when travel capacity is needed most
- Installing left and right turn bays at key intersections
TransLink’s RapidBus supports the Congestion Management Strategy PDF file (1 MB) to ensure a smart and efficient transportation system.
Benefits of bus priority lanes for transit users
- Reduced transit journey times
- Increased reliability
What's happeningProject status
Additional intersection and signal upgrades on 41st Ave at Maple St, Ross St, and Crown St are almost complete and will continue to improve transit reliability along the R4 route.
Additional improvements are planned in Kerrisdale for intersections along and near 41st Ave between West Boulevard and East Boulevard. We will share proposed design details during engagement sessions in late spring / early summer 2021.