On this page
We're building the first phase of the Granville Connector with the installation of new pedestrian and cyclist connections across the Granville Bridge. We're also removing the north Granville loops to create a standard street grid layout.
This work will transform the way we use the bridge by creating safer, more convenient access to active transportation and transit while enabling future improvements.
What's happeningUpgrades are underway: Plan ahead and expect delays
North end closure work is now complete
The north end of the Granville Bridge has been reconstructed and is open to traffic with new priority measures for downtown transit service.
- Northbound through traffic on Granville Street at Drake Street is for transit vehicles, taxis, bicycles, emergency vehicles, and pedestrians only.
- Vehicles accessing downtown will continue to use the Seymour off-ramp.
- The blocks of Granville Street between Drake Street and Smithe Street will continue to be accessed by all vehicles from east-west streets.
- Southbound through traffic on Granville Street is open to all modes of transportation.
Temporary sidewalk closures
The west sidewalk has been temporarily closed to maintain safety while the contractor installs the new traffic signals on the bridge deck. The duration of the closure will depend on the site conditions with expected completion in early 2025. The contractor has installed “sidewalk closed” signing at all access points to the west sidewalk.
Pedestrians should use the east sidewalk of the bridge or the Burrard Street Bridge as an alternative. Cyclists can continue to share the road with other vehicles.
Bridge deck work
The speed limit has been temporarily reduced to 30 km per hour to safely accommodate construction on the bridge deck. During most days, a minimum of 2 lanes of traffic are retained in each direction. There will be some night time reductions down to 1 lane (each direction) to accommodate activities such as line removal and painting.
Bridge deck upgrades include:
- Traffic islands to provide more pedestrian space
- Traffic signals
- Gravity barriers
- Bicycle friendly expansion joint cover plates
- Paint markings
Overnight work on Hemlock on-ramps
Starting in late October, the Hemlock Street on-ramp will be closed overnight on weeknights from approximately 9pm to 7am for an estimated 4 weeks.
Some noise is expected because of the nature of the work (primarily line removal, line painting, and other less noisy construction activities).
A noise by-law exception permit allows this construction project to proceed outside of normal working hours.
Winter 2023 to early 2025
Work hours
Monday to Friday: 7am to 5pm, extended hours including some overnight work (8pm to 7am) and weekend work as needed.
Information icon Construction will have no impact on marine navigation in False Creek. For more information, review the Canadian Navigable Waters Act public notice PDF file (160 KB).
Contact us
Recommended long-term design
Timeline and milestones
The timeline is subject to change based on input and direction by Council.
October 31, 2012
Transportation 2040 approved
Council approves proposal for improved walking and cycling facilities on Granville Bridge as part of Transportation 2040 Plan
January 30, 2019
Council approval
Council approves moving forward with public engagement to inform additional design options as part of improvements along Granville Bridge
April 2019
Phase 1
Public consultation launches to inform the design of a new path along Granville Bridge. We asked for feedback on our draft goals, how you use the bridge today, as well as hopes, concerns, and ideas about the project.
September 2019
Phase 2
City launches the second phase of public engagement. We asked for feedback on 6 design options that reflect the feedback from phase 1.
Early 2020
Phase 3
Based on Phase 2 input, the recommended 'West Side +' design was shared to gauge support, and for additional input for further refinements
September 2020
Council decision
Final recommendations presented to Council, and Council votes to endorse the long-term concept and approves moving forward with an interim design as part of this Capital Plan
Late 2021
Final design
Work with consulting team to finalize project's design and construction planning
Early 2023
Construction begins on interim design
Fall 2023
North loops removed
Spring to summer 2024
North end section of bridge replaced
We are here
Fall 2024
Granville Street bridge access reopens
To be determined
Long-term design implementation